Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

~ Nina ~
I felt someone stroking my cheek lightly and I opened my eyes.
When my vision came into focus, my eyes found Niall's blue ones and he smiled.
"You're awake." He whispered.
I lifted my head up from his lap and turned to face him and the boys.
"What even happened?" I asked.
"You don't remember?" Louis asked looking concerned.
But I did remember as soon as he said that.
"I remember now." I frowned.
"How's your back?" I asked Niall trying to change the topic.
"Nina, I'm fine. I need to know if you are though. What did he mean back there?" Niall said.
"I-I can't." I said quietly.
"C'mon Nina. You can trust us. We only want to help you." Louis said.
"No it's embarrassing." I said.
I felt the tears coming but I would not let them fall.
Not here.
"I'll tell you something embarrassing if it makes you feel better." Harry said.
"What?" I asked suddenly interested.
"Well when I was in 3rd grade, we went on a field trip to a farm and I was knocked over by a goat and I stepped in cow fertilizer," I laughed at his choice of words, "and then I turned to face a horses behind."
I bursted out laughing but the boys only smiled.
"How are you not laughing?" I asked them.
"We've heard it a lot of times before." Zayn said.
"Oh my gosh that's hysterical." I said calming down.
"Now that I've shared something, can you tell us?" Harry asked.
I looked around to see all their pleading faces and I took a deep breath.
"Well, why do you think something bad happened?" I asked.
"When you said Nick had no balls to rape you, he said that your dad had no issues doing it. Did something happen?" Niall said.
"Yes something happened." I sighed.
"Baby girl, why didn't you tell us?" Liam asked.
"I was embarrassed. I couldn't tell you guys." I said.
"You can always tell us things, we wouldn't judge you." Harry said.
"Well like 2 months after Louis left, Tom dragged me to his room and r-rap-"
"It's alright, you don't need to say anymore." Zayn said.
"But it gets worse. He didn't use protection."
The boys gasped and I felt the tears growing stronger and I let them slip from my eyes.
"So are you saying that you have a kid?" Niall asked.
"No. I was pregnant for like a month but I had a miscarriage because he would always beat me up." I sighed.
"Oh darling, I'm so sorry. You are so much stronger than I thought you were." Niall said wrapping his arms around me.
The boys hugged me and gave their sorrow but Louis didn't move.
He didn't even blink.
Just stared into space.
"Louis, are you okay?" I asked.
He still didn't say anything.
"Louis please talk to me." I begged.
He mumbled something but I couldn't hear it.
"I'm so sorry. I failed at protecting you from him. When I got you before he could go any farther, I thought that I had saved you. But I didn't. You were fucking raped by our psycho father and I could've done something to stop it!" Louis yells.
"Louis calm down." I said.
"I can't! I could've saved you but I didn't! I'm so stupid! How could I have not realized that there was something wrong! Oh my god could you ever forgive me?"
"Boo, I don't need to forgive you. You did save me. There was absolutely nothing you could've done differently. He still would've done it. But you know what? You're my savior and Tom is locked up so he can't hurt me anymore." I said.
"Are you sure about that?" I hear a voice from behind me say.
I turned quickly and saw my worst nightmare.
"NOOO!!" I screamed and burst into tears.
Tom was standing there with an evil grin.
The boys instantly formed a shield around me and I held onto Niall's hand.
I saw the marks on his back from the whipping and started to cry even more.
"Did you miss me?" Tom asked.
"What the fuck do you want?" Louis spat.
"Now, now. Is that any way to speak to your father?"
"You are not my father." Louis said.
"Hell yes I am and you better start treating me like it." Tom said walking closer to the cell.
"How are you even here?" Zayn asked.
"I escaped from jail just to give my friends a visit." He said.
"Hey Nina, why don't you come out here to be with your old pops." Tom teased.
"No." I said quietly.
"But why not? I don't scare you do I?"
"You can't have her. You've done enough damage." Niall said.
"Oh is this your boyfriend? Nick did a great job at messing you up. I'll have to pay him extra." Tom said.
"You're paying people to hurt us?!" Louis yelled.
"Why of course. Nothing makes me happier than to see you all in pain." Tom said. "Have fun right now because later on, we'll start the party."
He walked up the stairs slowly and then I heard the click of the door.
"It's alright, we're not going to let him hurt you." Louis said.
"I'm so scared." I admitted.
"Do you want us to stay like this through the night?" Niall asked.
"You have to rest your back." I said. "I'll be okay. I just want you to be alright."
I kissed each of their cheeks but Niall's lips and then leaned my head against Harry's back while still holding onto Niall's hand.
"Thank you boys for always protecting me."
And I feel asleep knowing I would be safe with them protecting me.


Hey! So what happened to Nina really made me sad. So Tom's back. He escaped from jail and captured the gang with the help of Eleanor and Nick. And he's paying them. So this is chapter 51 and I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you!
Please comment and vote, I beg of you!

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