Chapter 24

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Surprise, surprise!

Here's an update because I felt like it lol.

Please read the authors note at the end. It's important.

Chapter 24

~ Louis ~

She's gone.

She's gone.

She's gone.

No longer here.

No longer with me.

No longer living.

I'll never see her beautiful face that doesn't need any makeup.

I'll never hear her perfect laugh that she thought was annoying again.

I'll never see her smile that she thought was weird again.


I can't believe she's actually gone.

Right now everyone is in their own rooms, probably doing nothing like me.

I think this all came as a shock to us.

We all thought that Nina would actually make it.

We all thought that she was going to return home so we could celebrate her birthday.

Speaking of it, today is October 17.

17 years ago today, an angel was born.

An angel that left too soon.

Nina didn't deserve this.

She's done nothing wrong in the world.

After all she's been through, this is how it ends?

It can't be.

Her 17th birthday was going to be awesome.

I was going to try and make it her best one yet.

Now I have to look at all of her presents as a reminder that she was gone the day before she got to open them.

Why would she do this?

She always knew she could come to me for anything.

Hell, she could come to any of us.

What was eating at her?

I can't believe that she's actually gone.

Right when I got her back, she slips right out of my grasp, forever.

I can't go on without her.

I could have helped her with whatever it was.

If she could have told me, I wouldn't have lost her.

I can't believe I was so stupid.

I could tell that something was wrong but I never pushed it.

It's all my fault that I lost my little baby sister that means the world to me.

It's all my fault.

~ Harry ~

I can't believe she's gone.

Nina was like another sister to me. Now I've lost her.

And I can never get her back.

I really thought she was going to make it.

She's strong and I thought she would.

We all thought she would.

I can't imagine how Emily's taking this.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now