Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

~~~ Nina ~~~

I didn't hear anything for awhile and I was getting nervous but hopeful at the same time.

Perrie could possibly be getting hurt but he also could have left and we could try to escape.

I started mapping out an idea.

If I can find a pin or something then I could pick the door and go and look for Perrie there e could escape.

Yeah not really advanced but I am scared and I don't know what to do.

Right as I was about to search for something the door burst open.

Tom came in the room and took out a knife.

"Time to go to a different place, probably below." He said swinging the knife around.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Time to die." He said.

I screamed as loud as I could.

He threw the knife at me but I ducked and it hit the wall and fell to the floor.

I crawled away to the other side of the room.

Thank god it was a big room.

He threw it again and he aimed for my feet.

I jumped up and landed on the knife.

I picked it up.

It was useless though.

He pulled out a gun.

He aimed it at me.

"No getting out of it this time." He smirked.

He was about to shoot until the door burst open.

In walked in all the boys.

I smiled.

I knew they would come for me.

But it was too late, for Tom had the gun on me and was about to pull the trigger.

~~~ Niall ~~~

"WAIT!!" Louis screams. "You said that if we get you the money then you will let her go."

"Do you have the money?" Tom asked.

"Yeah we do." Louis answered.

Louis took out the bag that we filled with money to meet his needs.

"Give me Nina first." Louis said.

"No way you give me the money first." Tom said.

"How about I put the money down in front of you and then you let go of Nina." Louis compromised.

"You would really do anything for her wouldn't you?" Tom asked.

"I would. All the boys would. Any of us would do anything for her, unlike you." Louis said.

What he said is 100% true.

I wouldn't e able to live with myself if something happened to her and I could've stopped it.

I can't imagine how Emily and Jenna feel knowing that they were that close and they could've stopped it. But now they have to continue with their normal lifestyles, without their best friend with them.

They couldn't even get out of school to search for her.

"I'd be willing to make that deal." Tom agreed.

"On three. One." Louis said.

He stepped closer.


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