Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

~Nina's P.O.V.~

"Come on Nina! You need to wake up! You don't want to be late for your first day of your senior year, do you?" Exclaimed Louis.

"Boo you know I would want to be late. I don't want to got to school. It's just the same thing as last year, and the year before, and before, and bef-"

"Ok Nina, I get it. But you still have to go. You can have new adventures of high school now!" He tried to persuade me.

"What's the point of even going?"

"What's the point of going to school?" He whispers. "WHAT'S THE POINT OF GOING TO SCHOOL!?! Well it's only the most magical thing ever." He exaggerated.

"How? How can it be magical?" I was so not buying his act to get me up and ready.

"Well, if you'd like a job when you get older, you need to know things."

"Not true. I can work at Burger King and not need to anything!"

"When you get older and get married and have kids, how do you suppose you get money for them to have a fabulous life and go to college?" He questioned.

"I'll-I'll figure something out." I protested (A/N sorry I had to)

"In the meantime, get up and ready for a new year!"

"Ugh, fine!"

And with that, he skips out of my room , smiling as he had won.


When he left, I got in the shower. It woke me up a little, but not much. I got out and dried my dark blonde hair. Since it was shoulder length, there is not much I can do with it. I decided to go for something casual today so I put on a pair of dark skinny jeans and a light, flowy top. I matched it with a pair of light colored heels. Now back to my hair. I just decided to straighten it and pull my bangs back. I don't put a lot of make up on cause Louis doesn't like me to. So I just put on a little foundation, mascara, and lip gloss. I took one last look in the mirror, preparing myself for what could happen today. I grabbed a jacket, and headed out the door, towards the kitchen.


When I got to the kitchen I saw Harry eating a bowl of cereal, Liam making pancakes, Louis reading the paper, Niall eating whatever the darn boy could get his hands on, and last but not least Zayn falling asleep again on the couch.

"Hey everybody!!!" I yelled trying to be enthusiastic.

I was replied with different "hello's" "hey's" and one "hello my little sweet cupcake" coming from Louis.

"Ok then..." I said.

He just gave me a cheeky smile.

I sat down to eat breakfast and Liam served me with a plate of pancakes.

"Thank you Liam" I said, smiling.

"No problem kiddo. Wouldn't want you hungry on your first day of your senior year." He smiled.

"Yeah. Haha I'm sooooo excited." I said with a worried face.

"Is everything ok at school Nina?" Louis asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah! Everything is perfect. Couldn't be better!" I said trying to hide my real emotions.

I don't think he was 100% sure of my answer, but he just dropped the conversation.

Ten minutes later, I finished my pancakes.

"Ok Nina, I'm driving you to school today so grab your stuff and let's head out!" Harry said, grabbing his keys to the Range Rover.

I walked out to the RR (range rover) and got in. Harry got in seconds later. He started the RR and we drove off.

"So what are you looking forward to this year, Nina?" He tried to make small talk.

"Well really I just want to get out of there as soon as I can, but I guess seeing my friends." I replied looking out the window.

"Oh that's good." He said.

There was a silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence. I turned the radio on and let Demi Lovato fill my ears before we finally pulled up to my school. I just looked at the front doors when Harry parked the car.

"Are you ready, kiddo?" He asked looking over at me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied, blowing air out of my mouth.

"Um Nina, are you ok? You seem different. Is anything bothering you?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah! Everything is just peachy!" I said leaning over to give him a hug. "Thank you for bringing me."

"No problem. That's what I'm here for, right?" He asked with a smile showing his dimples.

"Yeah that's exactly it" I said with a laugh. And with that I opened the door and walked into the building I dreaded most. As soon as I walked in I saw the person that gave me chills every time I see them.


Ohhhh who do you think it is?!? Please tell me how I'm doing so comment and vote. Thank you!

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