Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

~~~ Nina ~~~

I woke up.

I was in a room with nothing but one window.

I feel so bad. Perrie is in her with me.

She's still unconscious.

I lean on my side and I feel a rectangular thing in my pocket.

I reached towards it and I couldn't believe what it was.

I have my cellphone.

~~~ Louis ~~~

She's not here.

She's not here.

That keeps repeating in my mind.

We can't find her in the place where I knew he was.

"Mate he's not here. We need to go back home and let the police work on this." Liam says.

"Why? They don't have any leads. It will take them forever to find her." I said starting to lose all hope.

"Mate come on they can find her." Harry said.

"Guys you don't understand. This is my sister we are talking about. She got taken at school by her father. And you guys are probably confused as too why he took her but I can't tell you anything. I promised her I wouldn't." I said telling everyone as much as I could.

"Lou I know she's your sister-"

"And your her boyfriend." I said.

Oh shit I wasn't supposed to say that.

"What?" He asks.

"Yeah um I overheard you guys talking and-"

"We are not dating. And when did you hear about us "dating?" He asks.

"Right before Nina went out yesterday, you guys were saying how you wanted it to be your little secret and that you love each other so much and I just thought." I said sheepishly.

"Well you thought wrong. Nina was talking to me about her date. Why would she go out with someone if she was dating me?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm sorry. It's just I'm scared for her. Ever since that night, I want to make sure she is ok at all times. I'm sorry." I said feeling bad.

"Alright, well I think we should go back home." Harry said.

We all got up and flagged down a taxi.

We got in and we drove to the airport.

"Hello we need 5 tickets to London." Liam said.

"Ok the earliest flight we have is in an hour." The lady said.

"Ok we'll take them." Liam said.

Great were here for another hour.

That's another hour for Nina that she will be with that man.

We all sat down and took out our phones.

I decided to follow a couple fans.

I saw that Harry had followed a few people too.

Oh gosh here we go with the spam.

I love my fans so much but honestly, it gets so annoying seeing everything just go crazy.

I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

I looked at who was calling.

I swear my eyes popped out of my head and I froze. Like stopped breathing.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now