Chapter 8

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So hi guys! This was a surprise chapter because I am waiting for the fireworks to start so I had time! Yay! So be lucky that I can write on the run.

Ok so please read the authors note at the end.

Thank you.



Chapter 8

~~~ Emily's P.O.V. ~~~

"Where the hell is Nina? She's been gone for 20 minutes." I said to Jenna.

"I really don't know what's taking her so long. Maybe we should go check on her." She suggested.

"Yeah sounds good. Lets go." I said, both of us getting up.

We get out the door and head to the bathrooms.

I've got a really scary feeling about this.

We walk in and we look in the stalls.

No one is in here.

"Where the hell is she?" Jenna asks, facing me.

"I don't know." I said. "Nina if you are hiding, get out right now. It's not funny."

No movements were made.

"If you don't come out then we're going to the office and tell them you are missing." Jenna threatened.

Still no movement.

"Ok we need to go to the office. Now." I said.

"Agreed." Jenna said following me out of the bathroom and down the hall.

We get down to the office and we tell the hall monitor that we can't find Nina.

"Well where was she before she disappeared?" She asks us.

"She said she was going to the bathroom. Then 20 minutes later, she still wasn't back. We went to go check on her, but she wasn't there." Jenna spoke up.

"Ok well I think I can playback the video cameras and see what happened." She says.

She went to the computer and she pulled up the video cameras, that were right in front of the bathrooms.

She played it back.

I for one was scared to even look at it.

We see Nina go into the bathroom.

After like 2 minutes we see her come out.

She walks to the classroom door and puts her hand on the handle.

"I don't see what this probl-" the hall monitor starts.

She stopped mid sentence.

I looked back at the screen and right before my eyes, was a guy, holding a cloth under Nina's nose.

I'm having a hard time taking all of this in.

Next thing you know, Nina is limp on the ground.

The man, whose face I can't see, is dragging her body out the back door.

"No. No this can't be happening." I said in disbelief.

"Check the cameras to the back door!" Jenna said.

The hall monitor quickly changed the cameras.

We looked at the new camera.

"He blocked it. Whoever this is, he surly thought it through." She said.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now