Chapter 4

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A/N ok this is chapter 4 and I'm only continuing this because of @Mrs_JessicaMalik

So thank you and this chapter is dedicated to you!

Chapter 4

~~~~ Nina's P.O.V.~~~~

I can't even believe that I am going on a date with Nick! Oh my gosh! What am I supposed to tell Louis? He doesn't want me having a boyfriend. Oh well it was bound to happen someday.

~~~~ Nick's P.O.V. ~~~~

Wow that was easier than I thought. The dumb bitch thinks she has a chance with me? No way! Why would I go out with someone who is fat a loser and isn't pretty? No one would want that. And I don't care if her brother is Louis Tomlinson from One Direction! He is just gay. Lets get on with this stupid date so I can get paid.

~~~~ Nina's P.O.V. ~~~~

School was finally over. That was a horrible first day! But there was one good thing about it. I finally am going on my first date, with the hottest boy in the school. I now just have to walk home and tell everyone the news.


I got home and sat on the couch with everyone else.

"Hey baby girl! How was school?" Liam asks.

Baby girl is the nickname from the boys that I got.

"Same thing as always." I replied.

"Is something bothering you Nina?" Louis asks me looking concerned once again.

"No everything is fine." I lied. "Liam can I talk to you real quick?" I asked.

"Yeah shoot." He says.

"Umm.." I say darting my eyes towards the kitchen.

Liam slowly gets up while looking confused.

I follow after him.

"Baby girl, are you ok?" He asked looking concerned.

"Well not exactly." I reply.

He grabs my hand and says,"You know you can tell me anything. I don't want you to think you can't tell me or any of the lads."

"Ok I wanted to tell you because you could help me most in this situation." I say.

I pause thinking of exactly what to say.

"I have a date." I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks.

I get up on my tippy-toes so I'm by his ear and I whisper,"I have a date."

I shrink back down so I'm flat on my feet.

I look down tot he ground finding that my feet are more interesting then Liam.

"You have a date?" He asks softly.

"Yeah." I say looking up.

"With who?" He asks.

I look down again.

"It's with Nick isn't it?" He asks.

"How did you know?!" I say looking right into his eyes.

"I just could tell. When is it?" He asks.

"Tonight." I reply.

"Do you know what your wearing and where is he taking you?" He asks all at once.

"Yeah I know what I'm wearing and we are just going out for pizza." I say.

"I'm so excited for you!" Liam says.

"You can't tell anyone about this though. We have to keep it a secret between you and me." I say.

"But why don't you want everyone to know?" He asked me looking confused.

"Well I do but Louis would never accept it." I say feeling sad.

"When the time is right, you can tell him." He says. "And if he does anything to you, tell me and I'll kick his arse." He says determined.

"And this is why I love you Liam." I say.

"I love you too baby girl." Liam says and we hug.

~~~ Louis's P.O.V. ~~~

I wanted to know what Nina needed to talk to Liam about alone so I told the lads I was going up to my room. I hid behind the kitchen door so no one could see me. I heard them talking.

"You can't tell anyone about this though. We have to keep it a secret between you and me." I hear Nina say.

Keep what a secret I can't help but wonder.

"But why don't you want everyone to know?" I heard Liam say.

"Well I do but Louis would never accept it." Nina says.

Wait, WHAT!! What would I never accept?!

"When the time is right, you can tell him." Liam says.

Well that time is right now!

He mumbles something else but I can't understand him.

"And this is why I love you Liam." I hear Nina say.

What do you mean "this is why I love you" Nina!?

"I love you too baby girl." Liam says.

Wait a second! Only couples say that kind of stuff.

Are Liam and Nina..... dating?!

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