Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

~~~ Nina ~~~

I woke up.

This time I was in a different place.

I looked around.

It has nothing in it.

Absolutely nothing.

No windows, no furniture, no nothing.

I'm all alone too.

Perrie's not in here.

Gosh it's so dark and it's cold.

I can't believe everything.

One minute I'm sitting on my couch at home with the people who mean the most to me, then I'm at school getting kidnapped by my crazy psycho father.

I want to be home again.

I can't do this anymore.

I burst out into tears right there.

I didn't care.

It's not like anyone could hear or see me.


I guess I spoke too soon. He's in here somewhere. I just really hope he's not coming for me.

5 minutes go past.

Nothing happened.

I guess he wasn't going for me.

Then what would he be doing?

No. Perrie.

~~~ Tom ~~~

I brought these things to the abandoned warehouse right across the street from my second house.

I don't really like the older one so I'm getting rid of her.

Right after one thing.

I have to do, what I have to do.

I put the two things in different rooms so I could complete my task nicely.

I walked into I guess "Perrie's" room.

I guess that's her name.

Either way, it's still stupid just like her.

She backed away into the corner.

"So you're scared of me I see." I say smirking, whilst getting closer and blocking her in the corner.

"No. I just think that this crazy asshole who kidnapped me and my best friend for no reason is the best person on earth." She says, sarcasm dripping with every word she said.

I slapped her.

"There is a reason, but you don't get to know. What you do get is me." I said.

"No. No get away from me. Don't do this." She pleads.

"It's too late. I'm already set." I smirked.

I lunged at her and well I think we all know what happened after that.


After I was done with Perrie, I called up Louis.

"Hello" I hear him.

"Hello. So I will meet you at the place in twenty minutes, right?" I ask him, well it's more like telling him.

Before he could even answer, I hung up.

Now all I have to do is wait.

After 15 minutes I see a Range Rover pull up on the side of the curb.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now