Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

~~~ Nina ~~~

I woke up from a long sleep.

I can't even remember falling asleep.

I looked around me.

Nothing looked familiar to me.

Wait a second.

I do know where I am.

I thought I would never come back here.

I'm in my old house, in my old room.

It's still the same as I left it 3 years ago.

Why am I here though?

My questions were answered when the door burst open and reveled someone I thought I would never see again.

It was my father.

I moved to the corner.

He just came closer.

"Heyyyyy littttleee gurrrllll." He slurred.

He was just the same as I left him 3 years ago.

"It's been sooo lonnggg since I've seennn youuu." He said coming closer."Why did you leave mee? I did nothinggg wrongg to youuu."

I backed as far as I could into the corner but it was no use.

He came as close as he could possibly get.

I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

If I'm right, I know what happens next.

"You little bitch! Why would you leave me!?" He screamed in my face.

Yup I was right.

Mood changes.

One minute he's not bothering you, the next he's all in yo business.

He slapped me hard.

"You never deserved to live!"

He punched me. This feels like what happened the day I left.

"When I'm done with you, you won't be alive." He spat.

He punched me in the stomach.

The last thing I remember is him walking away, satisfied with what he has done.

Then it all went black.

~~~ Louis ~~~

I can't believe this is even happening.

How did he even get into the school.

Oh god I hope she is ok.

I thought she was done with this 3 years ago.

We were back home now.

It doesn't feel like home without her.

Things will never be the same.

"It's ok mate, we'll find her." Liam says.

"I just hope nothing bad happens to her." I say, thinking of that day.

"Wait. Why would her dad kidnap her?" Harry asked.

"It's a long story, but it's not mine to tell." I said. "When we find her, it's her choice to tell you guys if she wants to."

"Is it really bad?" Niall asks.

"Yeah it really is. But she got through it because she is strong. I just hope she is strong enough for this." I answered.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now