Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

~~~ Nina's P.O.V. ~~~

After I was done talking to Liam, I went upstairs to get ready for my date!

I'm so scared I don't even know what to say.

I have got to text Emily and Jenna!

Group message to: Emily and Jenna.

Hay gurls hay!!!!

Guess who is going out with the hottest boy in the school.

I sent the message.

Within seconds Emily texts back.

From: Emily

No way girl! No way!

To: Emily

Yes way! It's tonight but I don't know what to say!

From: Jenna

OMG just talk about hobbies or whatever!

To: Emily and Jenna

Yeah ok I have to get ready. Wish me good luck!

From: Emily

Good luck girly! :D

From: Jenna

Good luck and have fun! It will be fine! :D

I smiled and put my phone on my bed.

Now to get ready.

I got in the shower and used my favorite shampoo that smells like strawberries.

I finished my shower and got out.

I looked around for the perfect outfit to wear an I finally laid my eyes on it.

It was hanging at the top of my door.

I grabbed it off the hanger and put it on.

Since the date was just a casual date, I just picked denim shorts and a green cropped top that said "nerd" and had nerd glasses underneath.

I dried my hair and I decided that I would just straighten it again.

I moved on to makeup.

Since this was a date, I put more makeup on but not so it looked like a crayon raped my face.

I put foundation on and I did a smokey eye with some mascara. I added some blush. To finish the look off, I put on some baby pink lipstick.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I'm feeling a little bit self-conscious tonight but hey, let's be honest, take me for what I am. Oh who am I kidding. I look stupid like I always do.

I put on some green wedges to match my shirt.

I grabbed my clutch and phone and left to go downstairs.


I walked down the stairs and with my luck, all of the lads were sitting in the living room, where I needed to get out of. They were all watching X-Factor.

Harry noticed me first.

"Woah Nina ! Where are you off too looking like that?" He asked scanning me from head to toe.

All of the other lads turned around and when Louis saw me, his eyes widened so much I couldn't believe that someone could do that.

"Yes where are you going Nina?" Louis asks looking at me dead in the eyes.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now