Chapter 44

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Chapter 44
~ Niall ~
"Baby girl, wake up." I whispered in Nina's ear.
I started to rub her arm lightly after I crouched down next to her bed.
She stirred a little but then slowly opened her eyes.
"Hi. Good morning." I whispered.
"Hey babe." She said.
She sat up and extended her arms, stretching.
"What time is it?" She asked.
"It's 12:30, love. Did you sleep well?" I asked.
"Oh man I slept for awhile but yeah. How about you?"
"Great. Are you okay? Your eyes are really red and puffy." I asked.
She looked nervous when I asked her that but she answered me very quickly.
"Oh y-yeah. I listened to a really sad song before I fell asleep." She said, however, it sounded like she wasn't too sure about her answer.
"So what are we going to do today?" She asked, changing the topic.
"Well, I think we're going to just stay here and have fun tonight before the new year starts." I said.
"Good. I don't want to go to this huge party." She said.
"Me neither. It's going to be just you, me and and the boys." I said.
"I wish the girls were here." She pouted.
"I know. Me too. But soon enough, you will see them again." I said.
Nina moved over on the bed and patted the spot next to her, motioning me to sit with her.
I plopped down and then wrapped my arm around her.
It was silent for a moment but then I spoke up.
"Are you mad at me because of the interview yesterday?"
"What?! Not at all! I'm perfectly ok with it." She said.
"You don't seem too happy about it." I said.
"Well I wish we could have told everyone together and in a different way, but everyone was bound to find out at some point. But I'm okay, because I have you and that's all that matters." She smiled.
"Awe babe. I love you." I said.
"I love you too." She said as we shared a kiss.
"C'mon you lovebirds! Let's get a move on here." Liam smirked at the doorway.
"Leave us alone." I mumbled as I went back to kissing Nina.
"So on a scale from 1-10, how shocked are you about Harry and Emily, 10 being the least shocked." She asked.
"Definitely -54." I laughed.
"Really?! So you just figured they were going to get together?" Nina giggled.
"Please Nina, they practically snogged during truth or dare and have you seen the looks they give each other? It's like we were just waiting for Harry to ask her." I said.
"Well whatever. I'm sure they're heartbroken that they can't spend New Year's Eve together." She said.
"Yeah but he's got us!" I cheered.
"Not if you don't get your asses up and moving." Louis chimed in now in the room.
"Oh whatever!" Nina threw her arms up.
"We don't need to go right now. We could always stay here until 1:30..." I suggested.
"I think we have time to spare." She smirked.
I pulled her into my lap and started kissing her soft lips, placing my hands on her hips.
"I love you." I whispered.
"What a coincidence because I love you too." Nina mumbled against my lips.
~ Nina ~
"You ready to go?" Niall asked.
"Yup. Where the hell are we going?" I asked.
All the boys except for Niall were out getting things for tonight being as it's 10:00 p.m. and we haven't gotten anything.
Niall has a surprise for me and apparently we have to drive to it.
"C'mon I told you it was a surprise! And trust me, you'll love it." He said taking my hand and leading me out the door.
When we got past the fans with the help of security, we got in the car and started driving.
"Here, put this blindfold on." Niall
said handing me a green bandana.
"Dear god Niall! Are you going to leave me some place and I'll have to fend for myself?!" I yelled trying to stay serious but failed laughing.
"Absolutely not! Don't you trust me?" Niall laughed.
"Of course I do." I said.
I tied the bandana around my head and then leaned back in my seat.
I felt Niall take my hand into his and start lightly rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.
"You know I love you, right?" Niall asked.
"Of course I do. I love you too." I smiled to myself.
How could I get so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend who is constantly reminding me that he loves me?
"How much longer?" I asked after awhile.
"We're almost there darling. Just relax for a little." He answered.
About five minutes later, the car came to a stop and Niall said, "I'm going but I want you to stay in the car. I'll be back out in like 10 minutes."
"What?! You're going to leave me in the car when I have no idea where the hell I am?! I can't even see anything." I exclaimed.
I'm thinking about just taking this blindfold off.
"Hey just trust me okay, baby? I won't let anything bad happen to you." Niall said.
"Okay I guess." I said.
"I'll be back. Love you." He said giving me a quick kiss.
"Love you too." I said.
I heard him get out of the car and then lock the doors.
Well geez, what am I supposed to do with no vision and no knowledge as to where I am?
I guess I could think of New Years resolutions.
Losing weight is definitely one of them.
I think that's one of everybody's resolutions.
Unlike most people, I'm going to do my best to stick to this plan.
Ok so what else could I change?
I don't even know right now.
There's so many things that I could change but I'm going to be stuck here forever if I think of them all.
Before I knew it, Niall was back in the car but I heard the back doors slam close also.
"Ok what is going on?" I asked quite confused.
"Did you miss us?" A mysterious voice asked.
I could recognize that voice anywhere and I ripped the blindfold off to look at them.
"Holy shit! Emily! Jenna! What are you guys doing here?!" I yelled.
"It was Niall's idea. He said it would be great if we flew out here for New Years." Emily said.
My heart instantly warmed at the thought of that and I turned to Niall and kissed him slowly.
"Thank you so much." I whispered.
"It was no problem." He smiled.
Niall started driving as I talked to the girls a little.
"Don't you guys have to go to school?" I asked.
"Nope! We're on break for 3 more days. But unfortunately, we have to leave tomorrow night." Jenna said.
"Wait! Does Harry know?" I asked.
"No you and Harry were the only ones who didn't know." Niall said.
Boy, will he be surprised when he sees Emily.
"So now the whole world knows that you guys are a couple, right?" Jenna asked changing the topic.
I was a little sensitive about this topic but decided to move past it.
"Yup the whole world knows. But I'm okay." I said.
I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Niall's lips curved up into a smile.
"That interviewer was a bitch. And that's all I have to say." Emily laughed.
"Yeah she really was. It was horrible watching Niall be forced into answering her question. Speaking of which, you don't ever have to do another interview with her, do you?" I asked Niall.
"Naw I don't think so, love. I think we're all done with her." He chuckled.
"I got so nervous when she started asking about girlfriends because I didn't want to be revealed as Harry's girlfriend. At least not yet." Emily said.
"Oh gosh I was like freaking out for you. I didn't know if she was going to talk about Harry or Niall and I was like on the verge of a panic attack." I laughed.
"Well it's a good thing you didn't. I'm sorry your relationship got revealed that way." Emily said.
"It's not your fault. Besides, it was going to be released soon anyways so why not now?" I said.
"Has anyone said anything to you about it? Like the fans?" Jenna asked.
"Yeah a few fans have congratulated us but I didn't really look into it much." I lied.
Niall had a weary look on his face like he knew I was lying.
"Well that's nice." Jenna said.
I nodded and occupied myself by fiddling with my thumbs as we drove the rest of the way to the hotel.
As I unlocked the door, I could hear the other boys inside the room, messing around.
I opened the door and Louis said, "and they're home!"
"And we have people!" I shout back.
All the boys were smiling, especially Liam - weirdo, but Harry was just giving me a confused look.
"What do you mean you have people?" He asked.
The door closed and I stood aside to reveal Emily.
Harry's eyes widened and he dropped the bag of chips he had in his hands to run to Emily.
"What are you doing here?! How are you here?! Don't you have school?!" He asked all at one.
"Harry! Gosh it's like you guys never went to school. Did you go to school on New Years Eve? No. Well neither do I so that's why I'm here." She sassed.
"I just can't believe you're here!" He continued cheering and giving her a soft kiss.
"Oh god! Don't show off in front of us! We see that you're a cute couple! No need for proof!" I yelled shielding my eyes.
"But hey, we're cuter." Niall smirked giving me a kiss also.
"Hell yeah." I said.
"Okay enough with the jibber jabber and let's get this started because it is now 11:00." Louis said.
I grabbed the soda that was in Niall's hand and ran to the couch with everyone following.
*45 minutes later*
I think I am going to blow up.
I probably had about 3 cups of soda and a half of a huge bowl of chips.
Holy shit.
Well, I can start that New Years resolution soon.
There are about 15 minutes left until the ball drops and I can't wait.
I was sitting between Niall and Louis and Niall had his arm wrapped around me.
We were watching Katy Perry preform at Times Square and she was doing great.
She was preforming Unconditionally and I love that song.
"She's totally rocking it!" Niall said.
"It's crazy how talented she is." Harry said.
"Without her, we wouldn't be sitting here right now." Zayn said.
Soon, her performance was over and after a couple commercials, the ball was about to drop.
"Ahh! Here we go!" I cheered.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" We all chanted and the fireworks and confetti flew everywhere.
"HAPPY NEW YEARS!!" We all yelled.
I felt Niall lean closer to me and then he placed his warm lips on mine.
"Happy New Years, princess." He whispered.
"Happy New Years, Niall."
He placed his lips back on mine and we kissed a little more.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too."
"Let's hope it's a good year!" Louis yelled and we all cheered.
2014 is finally here and it's going to be great!


Hey guys! I finally got the chance to update! I hope you liked it and I'm sorry about the long wait. Thank you so much.

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