Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

~ Niall ~

I heard the door open again and someone stomping down the stairs.

Nick came into view and I felt Nina shiver next to me.

He's a dirty piece of shit.

"Blondie!" He shouted pointing to me.

I hesitantly stood up and Nina attached herself to me.

"It's okay." I whispered.

Nick unlocked the cell and grabbed my arm roughly.

"I am in no mood for shit today so do as I say!" He warned.

He threw me down on the floor right outside of the cell and went into a closet I hadn't seen before.

He came back with something in his hands and I felt like I was going to pass out once I saw what it was.

Cat o'nine tails.

"No!" Nina cried from behind me.

Nick pushed me on my stomach and I looked towards everyone.

Nina was crying and the lads had tears in their eyes.

All of a sudden, without warning, Nick slammed the cat down on my back.

"AHH!" I screamed in pain.

The whip came down again and I bit my lip to stop the screams.

I heard Nina screaming and crying and looked to see her in Louis's arms, shaking.

After a couple more whips, I heard a voice yell out.

"Stop! Just stop! Hurt me instead!" Nina yelled.

The whipping stopped and I was roughly thrown back into the cell.

My eyes met Nina's bloodshot ones and my heart dropped.

"Why, baby?" I managed to croak out.

"I love you too much to see you in so much pain." She whispered.

"But I don't want to see you suffer. I'm supposed to protect you." I said.

"I'll be alright." She said.

She gave me a really soft and passionate kiss before she was pulled away by Nick.

The boys rushed over to me but all I could focus on was Nina.

"You couldn't stand seeing him like that, could you?" Nick teased.

"It's horrible seeing your boyfriend like that." She responded.

They weren't touching, just glaring at each other.

"You know, I always thought you were a little bitch." He spat.

He brought his hand back and was about to slap her but she blocked him.

"How dare you!" He said.

He pulled back his fist again but he was blocked once again.

"You learn how to protect yourself when you get beat up for a good portion of your life." Nina said blocking another punch.

Did she really get beat up that much that she had to learn how to defend herself?

Nick had managed to grab Nina's arms and then dragged her over to a pole.

She was kicking and squirming but he tied her hands to the pole.

"I've had enough of you." He said.

He slapped her hard and she winced but made no sounds.

He moved his hands down to her shirt and started ripping the fabric.

"You like this, don't you? You like when I touch you like this." Nick whispered.

"I hate it. Get your fucking hands off of me." Nina spat.

As soon as she said that, he ripped her shirt off completely so her upper half was only covered by her bra.

She squeezed her eyes close and looked away.

Nick started touching he stomach and slowly make his way up to her breasts.

"You know, it's really smart of you to not yell or scream. I guess you don't want to strain your voice for later." Nick smirked.

"What are you going to do? You can't rape me if you don't have any balls to do it." Nina sassed.

"Daddy figured out how to do it, right? I think I could too." Nick said.

What did he say?

'Daddy figured out how to do it, right?'

What does that mean?

Oh my god.

Her dad r-raped her.

I looked at the rest of the boys and they all had blank expressions on their faces.

Nina couldn't fend for herself anymore and it seemed as if she couldn't move.

Like she was full of horrible memories.

Nick untied her and she fell to the floor in a heap.

He carelessly threw her into the cell and the boys instantly surrounded her and I heard Nick go up the stairs again.

I tried my best to get to her but it's like I can't even move.

"Nina, please talk to me." Louis begged.

Still, she remained put with her eyes wide.

I crawled over to her and stroked her cheek.

"Hey, hey listen to me, baby. Can you tell me what's wrong?" I whispered.

"I-I'm cold." She stuttered.

Since my shirt was torn from the whipping, Louis quickly took off his shirt and slipped it on her small frame.

"What did he mean back there?" Harry asked her.

"I-I." She bursted into tears.

"No, no don't cry, baby girl." Louis soothed.

"I-I'm so tired." She said.

"Don't fall asleep, love. You've got to stay with us." Liam said.

Her eyes were slowly closing and Louis picked her up in his arms.

"Please Nina." He said softly.

But it was too late.

Nina's eyes closed completely and her breathing went steady.

No, baby, no.


Raise your hand if you hate me. Oh god I'm sorry about this chapter. It was so hard to write about Niall and oh god Nina it was horrible. Ok well thanks for reading and I'm pretty happy with how much I've update within these three days. Please comment and vote thank you!

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