Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

~ Mystery ~

"C'mon you have to go show who you are!" Eleanor said.

"I want them to wait and get nervous." I said.

"And what will the boss say?" She asked.

"He'll be fine with it." I said.

"I'm not so sure." Eleanor said.

"Fine! If you think it's such a bad idea that I wait, I'll go down there right now!" I shouted.

She stepped back slightly, almost as if she was shocked by my outburst.

I turned towards the stairs and turned the handle.

Oh boy, here I come, I hope you're ready.

~ Nina ~

"Oh god, I'm starving." Niall moaned.

I think it's the start of the second day here but I don't even know because there are no windows here.

It could be 5:00 a.m. or 10:00 p.m. and I wouldn't know.

"I think we're going to have to wait awhile longer before we get fed again." Liam said.

I don't even care about food right now.

All I want to know is who the other two people are.

It seems as if my questions were going to be answered because I heard someone coming down the stairs again.

The only difference was that these footsteps weren't light and soft like Eleanor's, they were loud and rough.

I figured it must be a guy and when he emerged from the darkness, I knew I was correct.

"Oh my god." I gasped at covered my mouth.

"Did you miss me?" He smirked.

"What the hell are you doing, Nick?!" I screamed.

He came closer to me as he had walked into the cell.

Louis wrapped his arms around me for protection as I backed away into the corner.

Nick only came closer.

Once he was right in front of me and he was towering over me, I started to get really scared.

"Move away from her." He warned.

"Never." Louis said.

Nick swung back his fist all of a sudden and punched Louis.

He turned to the floor but didn't let go of my arm.

"Louis!" I panicked.

I was about to check on him but Nick shoved me against the wall.

"If anyone of you guys try to touch me, you will die." Nick warned.

Louis gripped onto my hand and squeezed it to let me know he was here with me.

Nick got down on his knees in front of me and started kissing my neck.

I turned my head in disgust but he just slapped me.

"You know, I only dated you as a bet. My boss offered me lots of money if I made you think that I really cared about you. You thought it was real, didn't you?" Nick whispered in my ear.

"Get away from me." I said.

"No. I know you liked me for awhile and you would do anything just to date me and being your first boyfriend, you fell hard." He continued.

"Stop and get away!" I said a bit louder.

"But you thought it was real. You thought that a popular, sexy guy like me would date a stupid, fat bitch like you. Oh were you wrong." He said.

"Stop! Just stop! You think I don't know that?! Just shut the fuck up!" I screamed.

"As long as you know." Nick said standing up and bringing me with him, making me lose my grip on Louis' hand.

He threw my over his shoulder and walked out of the cell.

"No! Let me go!" I screamed.

I started pounding on his back and kicking but nothing was working.

He had a strong grip on me and he wasn't letting go.

"Guys! Help me!" I yelled.

They all ran up to the door of the cell but Nick quickly closed and locked it.

I managed to grab onto Niall's hand through the bars and our eyes met.

"It's okay. Shhh, it will all be okay." He whispered trying to calm me down.

We both knew that there was nothing he could do to save me at this point and then my grip slipped from his.

As I was being brought up the stairs, I saw Niall hold up three fingers and I returned the gesture before the boys disappeared from my vision.

Hoping to get away, I still kicked and punched Nick as he carried me down the hall to a random room.

He closed and locked the door before throwing me down on a bed.

He pounced on me and started kissing my neck.

I knew nothing would happen but I tried screaming.

Maybe someone from outside would hear me.

Or maybe there is no one outside because we are in the middle of nowhere.

"Stop!" I yelled.

This only made him go harder and he sucked on my neck until I knew there was a mark.

"Nick!" A girl screamed.

It sounded like Eleanor and he stopped immediately.

"What?!" He yelled back.

"Come here!" She said.

He groaned but got off of me and stomped to where Eleanor was.

I tried to catch my breath and started thinking if I could escape or not.

Nick had left the door wide open and I remember the way down to the basement.

Could I get out that way?

He would just find me again and the punishment might be more painful.

Before I could make a decision, Nick came back into the room and I shivered.

"I'm not even in the mood anymore. Consider yourself lucky. And in case you think you want to escape." He said pulling handcuffs from his pocket.

I didn't even bother moving and he locked me to the headboard.

"I guess you've learned not to fight back. You're not as stupid as I thought." Nick said.

"Sweet dreams." He said kissing my cheek and leaving the room, locking the door from the outside.

I started crying and squeezed my eyes close.

I can't do this.

Why is this happening?

I need my boys with me to tell me that everything will be okay.

But it won't happen.

Nothing will be the same after this.


Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! I hope you guys are having a good day and you got everything you wished for. So you found out that Nick is the second kidnapper along with Eleanor. Who's the third??? You'll find out soon. I realized that this chapter is a little shorter and I think that's how I'm going to make it for a little while but I'll update faster. So thanks for reading!

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now