Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*One Week Later*

~~~ Nina ~~~

Niall was set to be released from the hospital today.

All of us visited him everyday and I could tell he was happy by the huge smile on his face.

He could think of everything nice in the worst situation.

The boys and I were at home, setting up for his welcome home party.

"Hey guys. Does this banner look straight?" Louis asks.

"Yeah it looks fine." Harry says.

"Wait. Guys look at that banner and tell me what's wrong with it." I said.

"I don't see anyth- oh." Liam finally realized. "They spelt Niall wrong, they forgot the second "l.""

"How are we going to fix it?" Zayn asked.

"Get me a stool and I'll fix it." I said.

"No way. That's too dangerous." Louis said.

"Do you want it fixed or not?" I asked.

He nodded, looking down.

"Then can I please have a stool?" I asked, once again.

Louis went into the kitchen and came back with a stool.

"Please be careful." He said.

"Don't worry." I said, taking the stool from him.

I set it up right in front of the banner.

I was to short to reach it so the stool helped me reach it.

I grabbed a marker that matched the green Niall's name was written in.

I stood up on the stool, carefully.

I could hear Louis mumbling about what will happen if I fall.

"Louis I'm fine." I said, trying to calm him down.

I pulled the cap of the marker and carefully drew an "l" that matched the font of the other.

"Ok finished it." I said, putting the cap back on the marker.

"Now does it look the same?" I asked.

"Yeah it looks great. Now please come down." Louis says.

"Ok ok." I said.

"Wait let me see!" Zayn said.

He came over and his foot got caught on the leg of the stool.

It started moving Nd I was losing my balance.

"Guys!" I yelled.

"Nina!" Louis yelled.

Oh god I know how this ends.

I'm going to fall off and break my arm.

My foot slipped and I felt the stool move out from under me.

I squeezed my eyes closed so it could possibly not hurt as much.

I felt myself falling, but I didn't feel my back coming in contact with the floor.

Instead, I feel into something else.

It didn't even hurt.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Liam.

"Oh my god." Louis breathed.

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem. Wouldn't want you to break a bone." Liam says.

The Perfect Life... Or So I Thought {N.H.}Where stories live. Discover now