Last Laugh

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Jerome x Reader

The brief time you spent with him was nothing short of glorious, the things you did and saw and caused. You remember meeting him way back in Arkham, him coming right up to you, causing you to blossom just like a rose.

"Hello there, I'm Jerome."
"So...whatcha in for?!"
"Why do you care?"
"I care, sweets, because wouldn't anyone want to know about their future wife?"

Or after being busted out of Arkham, the time you two spent together in between.

You're eating donuts at the table and reading the Gotham Gazette when the everything goes black. "Jerome..." you start, about to complain about the two hands obscuring your vision. But before you can finish, you're interrupted.
"Climb onto my back."
"Excuse me?"
He gestures to his back impatiently, suppressing a giggle.
You awkwardly climb on, unsure of his intent. A piggy-back ride?
Suddenly he's running around the manor and you're squealing, telling him to put you down, and listening to his manic laughter echo through the halls.

You wake up on the suddenly familiar king sized bed. You don't remember falling asleep last night, but you're sort of perpendicular to Jerome, your head laying on his stomach. He's in his red robe and breathing steadily, but awake.
"Hi darling," you start.
"Morning, gorgeous."
"When did we fall asleep last night?"
He giggles abruptly. "Who cares?"
You strain to see his face from your semi-awkward angle. "What does Gallavan have planned for us today?"
"A magic show!"

And magic it was, standing by Jerome's side as he performed tricks and played around with your terrorized hostages. It was absolutely magical.
Until the very end.
You still remember watching in horror as the blade plunged into Jerome's neck.
The betrayal was so unexpected.
You remember running to his side as he crumpled to the ground under Theo's cold grip.
You shoved Gallavan aside, not caring about anything but Jerome in that moment.
You remember the tears spilling from your eyes as you looked into Jerome's smiling face.
"Oh, honey..." you had started.
Never to finish.
He made sort of a croaking sound, as if trying to say something.
But the words never came.
The last things that emitted from his mouth was a faint laughter.
It was pitiful.
And the worst part was you knew he was sad underneath.
He really did have the last laugh.

Hey guys! Sorry about this random author's note, but I was wondering whether of not you guys enjoyed this chapter? I originally had it written with 'I' instead of 'you' (so not jerome x reader), but I wanted to upload something to this and didn't feel like writing something new. Anyway, leave a comment telling me what you think! Also, feel free to request an imagine! :)

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