What We Had Pt. 2

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Jerome x Reader

"What the hell is this place?" Greenwood whines a few carts away.

"It ain't Arkham anyhow," Jerome, to your right, purrs. "Things are lookin' up."

In your process of eyeing the room and listening to those two go back and forth, you spot something. From the hall where you were wheeled in, a man strides forth. He has blocky features and big ears beneath a scalp of slick, black hair. The guy's dressed in an expensive looking suit to match his expensive looking house, obviously a beacon of money and power in Gotham city, though for some reason his face doesn't ring any bells in your curious mind.

"Welcome everyone," he greets, his voice as creamy as a news-castor's. "My name is Theo Gallavan, this is my sister, Tabitha." From behind him a woman eyes your little group. Her gaze, unlike Gallavan's, is quite intimidating. Her appearance is much more stark than her brother's. With a sleek black ponytail and form-fitting leather jacket, it's clear she means a different kind of business.

As Tabitha takes her seat a few feet away, all the other Arkham patients begin chattering and asking questions. Theo holds up a hand and chides, "I understand you're feeling confused...scared...a little groggy. But, please, relax. Today, is the first day of a wonderful future for all of you. If you want it."

His eyes meet your own for a moment, a short inspection, before moving on to the others. You can tell the man is sizing you up, ready to use everyone for some unknown opportunity...

"Who are you?" Barbara asks, two dolly's down.

"Well, now the question is, who are you? The world sees criminal lunatics...I see brilliance. I see charisma. And power. I see power."

It is now that Jerome chooses to open his loud mouth and break the eye contact between Gallavan and Barbara. "Yes. Exactly my man, awh, that is so spooky, that is me to a T. These other boys, I dunno, but...you're singin my song." It's clear that the whole situation has him barely able to contain his excitement, but from the other end of the room, Mr. Sionis pipes up. "Quiet, Jerome," then, with a nod to Theo, "keep talking."

Theo Gallavan blinks a few times and pulls away from the amused look he is giving Jerome. "Imagine...a group of brilliant outlaws, like yourselves, each selected for your unique ability, all working together as a team - imagine...the synergy. Imagine the impact. Gotham will tremble before you."

"Well that sounds...fabulous...but I am not a brilliant outlaw. I just have...issues." It's Barbara again, speaking up in defiance.

"You have ferocity. And beauty. And desire, and that's enough." He puts a hand on her chin delicately. "Come with me, Barbara...whatever you want in the world...it's yours."

You can almost physically feel Jerome rolling his eyes from right next to you. Sionis doesn't seem to happy about it either. "Theo?" he asserts. "That's your name, right, Theo? You're gettin way ahead of yourself here. First of all, get your hands off her. Second...this whole magic team...I gotta pass. I don't take orders. Good luck on everything, though, it's an intriguing concept."

"...this is very disappointing..." Theo replies, his voice suddenly lower.

"Oh, fair play. You want a reward for bustin us outta Arkham - I am grateful. How does a million bucks sound? Pretty good, huh? I can get it for you today, as soon as I hit the street."

"Money...is not the concern. I had such...high hopes for you. And an anticipant sexual jealousy, that always poisons the well. You have to go. Tabitha will see you out." Something about his voice isn't right...

But Sionis is unlocked and he begins to step over to Barbara. "Miss Kean is coming with me."

"Oh she doesn't want to go where you're going," Gallavan replies.

All of a sudden, Tabitha's got a whip around Sionis's neck. She happily makes her way over to him while he grunts and thrashes on the floor. She then straddles his body and plunges a knife into his chest time after time after time...

The blood splatters all over Greenwood and Helzinger. Jerome begins to giggle like the madman that he is.

"Anyone else want to leave?" is the final word on the subject.

Afterwards, you are all released from your dollies, bound now by a new type of cage. The punishment for those who'd like to disobey this man's direct orders is evident.

Theo Gallavan led you to a well furnished hallway and told you that everyone gets to pick a room. All the other members of your group disperse throughout the corridor. Barbara is off with Tabitha somewhere, you think.

But Jerome is still standing next to you, not leaving. His head turns and a deviant smile plays out across his lips. He grabs both your wrists, making you flinch, and says, "C'mon, Y/N, let's go have a look around." He doesn't even wait for your reply before pulling you along down a maze of rooms and objects.

The two of you poke your heads in room after room, searching for something of interest. Mostly the house is just full of fancy guest bedrooms, bathrooms, and a few storage areas.

"Boooring," Jerome complains.

"Hmmm..." you reply thoughtfully. "Well...what about over here?" He follows your stride down through the end of a long hall, where a set of french doors leads into a spacious balcony.

"That's more like it!" he cheers, eyes immediately lighting up as the sight of the whole city expands into view. The sea of boxy buildings would prove truly beautiful to anyone, but you're almost sure that in the eyes of a psychopath, he sees nothing but chaotic potential.

"Is that all you ever see?" you unintentionally murmur aloud. Your striped dress billows in the wind as you cling to the rails, peering down at all the tiny people Gotham.

Jerome turns to you sharply. "What?"

"Is that all you see? Chaos? Killing? Your idea of fun?"

His smile falls but he doesn't speak.

"Isn't that all we ever see? All we ever do? We are just psychopaths after all." Tears begin to spill from your eyes and run down your cheeks until they've met your pale pink lips.

Jerome looks aghast and confused as to why you're crying. He picks up your hands in his own and looks right into those tearful, color-filled eyes of yours.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. it's just...you don't care about me...nobody does...I-I'm crazy for God's sake...I've ruined my life already and now we're here, I don't-I can't-"

"What kind of talk is that? Crazy...there's nothing wrong with a little crazy! And of course I care about you, darlin, you're-you're really something."

He wipes away your tears with one hand, squeezing your palm tighter with the other. You begin to look away, face burning with embarrassment from your outburst, but Jerome has your chin in his fingertips.

Before you can ask what he's doing, he's pressed his lips into your own. It feels warm and soft, and you fall into him, feeling the weight of everything else melt away.

Author's Note: This one was SO FUN to write (it turned out longer than usual ah). I hope you guys enjoyed it!!
Well, anyway, school starts in about a week for me, so I'll probably be back to that definitely-only-once-a-week schedule :(
See you readers next time! ~Emma

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