Delight Me

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Tabitha x Reader

You hadn't spoken a word since being busted out of Arkham. If you were being quite honest with yourself, silent sulkiness just came naturally. None of the other criminals wanted anything to do with you. And Theo Gallavan didn't seem particularly interested in your skill set.

There was one person, though, who, surprisingly, did not dismiss your existence. Tabitha Gallavan.

The girl was a fairly quiet type. Her appearance was stark and everything she did was as sharp as a blade. No surprise, considering her obvious obsession with weapons and mastery of using them. You were convinced that she could kill anyone, as quickly as possible, in any situation, and enjoy it.

So why did she take an interest in you? It was the one she did thing that seemed completely out of character.

It began the day after you arrived. In a room of Theo's mansion, you sat quietly, gazing out the large window.

"So tell me." Tabitha said from behind.

You perked up, unaware of her presence.

"The others are both completely mad, and probably trying out my brother's large array of weapons right now. Why aren't you?"

Using your tongue for the first time in days, you said, "Are you asking me to be like them?"

"A little more talking would be nice."


"Seriously, what's your deal? Are your issues just internal?"

Frowning, you reply, "I don't know how to act crazy, because I'm not. I was put in Arkham by mistake. I can't fire a gun or stab a knife or-or use whatever that is. I'm just...useless."

As you gesture at her whip and finish speaking, she raises her head a bit and meets your eyes. Then, grabbing the whip off her belt, she raises her arm and slashes it across the room at an expensive looking vase.

In a single instant the whip grabs the vase and it shatters.

Then, turning back to you, and throwing the weapon into your lap, she asks, "Want to learn how?"

Author's Note: I know it's been forever since I've updated :( I have no excuse, just...writers block. I'm beginning to feel like there's only so many imagines you can write before they get repetitive and boring.
Hopefully this Tabby one is enough for now (I could do a part two if anyoneMs interested). Maybe I'll get more inspiration when the show and our lovely ginger prince return :')

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