No Light

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Jerome X Reader

"No light/No light/In your bright blue eyes/I never knew daylight could be so violent..."

"So it really is you."

As he turns toward you in response, you wince. His face is a nightmare. Skin torn and sloppily stitched together, eyes still consumed with a hurting past and a passion like wildfire.


It appears that's all he can say. You break the mutual gaze while trying to make sense of the screaming silence inside yourself.

"How's my girl?"

"It's been a YEAR, Jerome. You realize how much this has hurt, right? I can't even look at you the same, I don't even know if I still..."

Love was the one word you couldn't let out as you watched his face fall. He looks ashamed and disappointed, which surprises you.

Had it been any other girl, the psycho wouldn't have hesitated to murder or kidnap her. But it was you, and Jerome was the circus boy you've known your whole life. There's never been just blind lust between you. It's always been a little something more...

You wonder if he would forget all that and pull out his gun. You wonder what death would feel like; you wonder if you would mind.

But he doesn't do anything like that. Instead, before you get the chance to protest, he leans in and plants a kiss on your cheek: "If I can't get you back, at least let me have this."

You had forgotten how surprisingly soft his kisses were. You had forgotten a lot of things while he was gone.

As Jerome walks away, you lift your head and call, "Wait!"

Grin growing wide on his face, he runs back over, picks you up, and spins you wildly through the air, ending with a full embrace.

"I knew you'd come around."

Author's Note: Back again, back again! Hey guys, I know it's been a while. Life has been sooo crazy and stressful lately. I think I'm finally finding my way now, tho. I will try as hard as possible to go back to my normal writing schedule - after all, there's a lot more inspiration in my head now...Hopefully y'all are okay with lots of Jerome imagines.
I mean he is back now. 😘😏 Part of me still can't believe it. I've waited almost two years for this, dedicated so much of my life to his character.

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