Sounds Sweet

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Jerome x Reader

There are board games in Arkham? was your first thought when Jerome pulls out Candy Land one day and says "Wanna play?"



"Wait. Wait. Where on earth did you get that?"

He shrugs. "I know people. You did say Candy Land was your favorite game as a child, right?"

"Yeah, but you didn't have t - "

"I wanted to! C'mon, cupcake, teach me to play!" he made a pouty face.


"Yay!" he exclaims, patiently watching you set up the game.

"So basically," you start and Jerome scoots closer to you, close enough for your shoulders to touch. "You draw a card and it tells you where to go next. Licorice spaces are bad. Reach the end first, and you win."

"That's all? Ha! I'm gonna crush this candy game!"

"Candy Land." you correct, moving your first piece. "And don't underestimate my mad skills."

The game sort of goes on like this - in joking insults and unkempt laughter. Pawns move across the board as fast as your hands can pick up the cards.

But towards the end, as night falls, you begin to get sleepy. Everyone else has been carted back to their cells, and, for some reason, the guards let the both of you stay. You can feel their eyes on you as you lazily move the pawn one last time.

Jerome follows suite, placing the plastic gingerbread man on the last square.

"Yayy, you win," you mumble with a yawn, letting your head fall onto Jerome's shoulder.

"Wow, even I don't have the energy to rub this in your face," he chuckles.




"Thanks for letting me play this with you."

"What'll we play next time?"

"Next time, toots, we'll play hooky and bail outta this place. How does that sound?"


Author's Note: Idk this one just turned out to be a bunch of weird fluff. Prompt requested by Swindlet XP

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