Wicked Grins & Victim's Skins

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Jerome x Reader

Arkham Asylum. It's the only thing your mind is allowed to dwell on currently. Only a week ago you were locked up in this hell, but ever since, you've been counting the days. There's practically NOTHING here, you think. Well, nothing but a certain psycho that just happened to catch your eye. And it seemed he caught yours as well because before you could make your move, he makes his.

"Hi, gorgeous, I'm Jerome."

Bold...unique, you think as he slides into the bench across from you at lunch time. Most of the other men in here would either stay away from girls or take without asking...

But as before, your mind slides back to the same very fact...he's not like the others. He's different...something more. These thoughts allow you a burst of confidence to proceed.

"Pleased to meet ya, I'm Y/N."

"Perfect...I like a girl with a bit of enthusiasm."

"Oh, and I'm your girl now, Valeska? Let me guess...you've probably never talked to one in your life...other than your dead mommy."

His smile only widens. "So you know who I am."

"The famous kid criminal from the circus...yeah I've heard of you. Word tends to around in Gotham."

"Oh, I know," he says flamboyantly. "Unfortunately, I've never had the pleasure of learning. About. You."

"Pretty girl. Did the 'normal' thing most of her life. Pretended to be popular...pretended a lot of things. Only at the age of fifteen, this girl decides to let loose. She kills multiple people...old 'friends' from high school, that kid who bullied her cousin, her cousin...she doesn't get caught until two years later. And here I am. A bloodier, happier girl."

He laughs - that hardy, genuine, comical laugh that sounds a bit like yours. "Perfect. Y'know sugar, I like you. Us two, we're equals, the same in all the right ways, in all the wrong ways...what do ya say we stick together?"

Stick together you did. The next couple of weeks in Arkham were more fun than you'd had in your life...hanging out with Jerome was like being on a constant roller coaster.

But one day, something changed...you and him were just chatting as usual, laughing together, and then there was this gas...

The next thing you remembered was waking up on a dolly...in a mansion? Apparently some billionaire thought a bucket of loonies (including you and Jerome) was worth something...ha. All you care about is being free and free to kill.

And, of course, free with Jerome. Now all the plans you'd made together can become a reality. Gotham would tremble before you.

One day before a big heist, you and Jerome sitting in a gasoline tank truck as the others set up, he starts to act funny.

"Ready to go, J?"

"Wait, uh, Y/N...hold on a sec."

"Huh? Why? Aren't you ready to get out there, or...?"

"Yeah, I am, it's just...I have something to ask you."

"Ask away."

"Are we like...I mean do we..."

You raise your eyebrows, trying not to giggle as he awkwardly finds the right words.

"Doyouwannabemygirlfriend?" he blurts.

You're silent for a moment...then a wicked grin creeps across your face.

You lean in fast and kiss him right on the mouth. "Sure, Jerome, but could we get back to the sloppy romance stuff after we annihilate those cheerleaders?"

The same grin is reflected on your boyfriends face. "That's my girl."

Author's Note: This was requested by blueberriesofwisdom so I hope you like it!! Next one is either going to be Mad Hatter or Tabitha (or a request if anyone has any) so seeya soon!
BTW Thanksgiving break is soon for me which = time for lots of fun imagines! ^•^

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