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Jerome x Reader

You were a street kid almost all your life. Your parents, to you, were faint wisps of memories from early childhood. Every time you tried to remember them, the memories seemed to scramble and fade away. So instead of the happy-family-home you almost had, your childhood was simply wandering, floating between almost-homes.
At 13 years old, you befriended Fish Mooney, the notorious nightclub owner, who took a liking to you and helped you out here and there. And now, at 18 years old, you've become a well-known trouble-causer of Gotham. Known for thieving, murdering, pranking, and best of all—not getting caught.
So when big-shot psycho Jerome Valeska kills his way up the scale and out of Arkham, leaving a trail of mutilated bodies and screaming civilians in his wake, it came as a bit of a shock. Not being the #1 eighteen-year-old outlaw is a fairly new sensation to you despise. Since his breakout and the mass murder that followed, you've known you have to up your game.
But that's when Jerome Valeska and his little gang kill nine policemen at the GCPD precinct. It blew his publicity to unrealistic proportions. He was all anyone on Gotham talked about.
"Did you hear about the escaped convict from Arkham Asylum?"
"That crazy psychopath almost blew up a whole bus!"
"I can't BELIEVE he killed all those policemen!"
Blah, blah, blah. All the talk of the new major crime-causer in town drives you nuts. You've always been known as the youngest outlaw, one of the best. Something has to be done, you think—now.
Well, the Gotham Bank hasn't been touched since that red-hood incident, so you figure it's a good place to start. You devise a plan to get in, grab the money, and be done...without a trace.

Smoke. The room is filled with it, billowing around in bushels and swirls. You hear people begin to scream and silently leap down from the air-vent, making your way across the tile floor. You sneak behind the counter, slamming your gun into the head of an unsuspecting employee. Before his unconscious body falls to the floor, you grab him to muffle the sound and set him down gently.
Great. Now time for the money.
You start raiding the teller's stashes, stuffing the cash into a sack. Then you dash out of the fuming room, down a few hallways, and straight into the bank's vault.
However, what you find is a bit of a surprise. The vault has been thrown open, and inside is the very red-headed criminal that you've been trying to outdo...
"Hi gorgeous, looking for this?" He gestures around at the neatly stacked bills, and in his hand he holds a lighter.
"Don't." you say hastily, grabbing your gun and aiming it right at him.
"Don't what?" he teases, then playfully switching on the lighter in his hand, "Oh—don't this!"
"Put it down or I'll shoot," you reply, annoyed with his happy tone.
"You're a feisty one, aren't you sugar?"
Just to show him you mean business, you fire the gun, barely missing his head. He bursts into laughter and jokingly holds the lighter closer and closer to the money.
God I hate him, you think. This time you aim right between his eyes.
Only before before you can pull the trigger, sirens begin to blair and the sound of cop cars pulling up awakens your senses. So you begin to stash more money in the sack, bundles of it. After it's filled, you take a last glance at Jerome and dash through a few hallways until you're put the back door, now running breathlessly through the cool air.

Author's Note: Haha this one included mainly backstory for the (your) character—sorry about that. Also sorry for not posting in so long, but it was Christmas and I was busy. I hope you guys had a happy holidays! I will try to update in a few days. Stay awesome ;)

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