What Have You Done?

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Edward x Reader

When you heard the news, you could hardly believe your ears. Your crush, Edward Nygma–the adorable, funny forensic scientist who always tells the cutest riddles...was in Arkham Asylum.
Almost as soon as you are told this, you rush over to the place to see this for yourself.
"Ma'm, this isn't a jail, we don't exactly take visitors." the lady at the front desk tells you upon your grave insisting that you were allowed to see an inmate.
"Please," you beg, "I'll do anything!"
With a sigh, the employee leads you down the hall.
Between metal netting, you can just make out Edward sitting in the corner of the patient recreation area, alone at a table.
"Ed!" you cry, reaching a hand through the bars as if you could reach out and touch him from across the room.
His head perks up at the sound of your voice, and he immediately darts to the fence that separates you two.
He clutches your hand. "Y/N!"
You are already beginning to tear up at the sight of him in his patient's getup, hair tussled. It's so hard for you to understand how such a caring soul could be, well, crazy.
"Tell me what happened, how did you get in here?" you ask hastily and with concern.
For the first time he is speechless. In all the time you have known him, he's always had something witty to tell you. The fact that he is rendered silent at such a question tells you there is something he is to ashamed to say. Your heart beats rapidly as you speak without thinking.
"Ed, I love you," you confess and his reply is a wide eyed gaze and an open mouth, but you go on.
"I don't care what you did to get in here, I will continue to love you. No. Matter. What."
His grin looks, for a moment, more evil than you've ever seen it, but his eyes flash with joy and he replies with a simple "I love you too."
You grip his hand a bit tighter and look deeply into his dark eyes. "Let's get through this...together."

Author's Note: OML sorry for not updating last weekend. It was my birthday party and this week I had a lot going on...ugh. I had a fight with my best friend. BUT I really should stop ranting about my personal problems because this ain't therapy wth. Anyway, thanks for staying with me even when I can't update and...yeah. Seeya next weekend!

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