Wedding Dilemma

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Barbara x Reader

"Where's Jim?" you ask, eyeing the gorgeous church that surrounds you. Faint light streeams in from colorful windows, barely illuminating the dark wood wall panels and benches. Barbara is in the very back, sitting the podium and swinging her legs, though a bit solemnly.

"He got away. With. Lee," she pouts, stabbing a knife into the wood surface beside her with that last word...Lee.

"That wedding dress looks cute on you. Too bad you didn't get to wear it for a real wedding," you tease, making fun of her failed plans to "marry" Jim and murder his current girlfriend.

Barbara grabs the knife from the podium while simultaneously hopping down. She saunters over you flirtatiously. "Maybe I still can."

You giggle. That girls mood swings switch as often as crimes are committed in this crazy city.

"Babs. Don't you want to think about this first?" you question as she wraps her arms around your neck. The knife still in her warm hand scrapes ever so gently against your back.

She sighs and thrusts her lips into yours. Taken by surprise, you stumble back a bit, causing you two to collapse into the bench behind you.

As you pause to catch a breath, she smirks and finishes. "I hate thinking."

Author's Note: IK this one's so short and so late. I didn't even realize how off schedule I was SORRYY --Plus school started today and I'm already miserable yayay..

Anyway, I hope this was at least enjoyable. I don't write Stabby Babs or Tabitha much so I'm sorta diving into unknown territory here.

PSST has anyone seen Suicide Squad/do you want to discuss?? Bc I'm down, just sayinnn

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