Friendemies Pt. 2

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Jerome x Reader

The next time you see him is during a jewelry store robbery. The robbery wasn't your idea, nor was it planned, but, upon hearing it, you decide to swing by and take at least partial credit. Turns out, the robbery is actually the maniacs doing. This vexes you since Jerome is the one you're trying to outdo. Great, another encounter with the ginger loser, you think.

You drift into the shop like a normal customer before pulling out a pistol and shooting the guy at the counter, who was clearly a maniax. He tumbles to the ground and you stand over him, looking him right in the eye and sticking your tongue out tauntingly.

Then you waltz into the back room, where Jerome and two other guys are rummaging through boxes.

"Isn't this crime a bit basic for you, Jerome?"

"Well, if it isn't Y/N the magnificent! Tryna crash our party?" he laughs, raising an eyebrow.

"This isn't much a party... you're slipping...'" you tease.

"Oh, but darling, this isn't all I had planned..."

One of the other men interrupts. "Valeska! Quit flirting and grab the jewels!"

Your head swivels when he says this. Flirting?! As you feel your face heating up, you waste another bullet, watching is it flies towards his leg.

Jerome's smile widens but the third maniax quickly becomes angry, beginning to clammer towards you with a knife in hand. But before he has the chance to strike, Jerome puts up a hand. "Let me handle this," he warns, his voice suddenly lower than normal.

You fumble with your gun as the red-haired psycho steps toward you, and before you have the chance to do anything, he grabs your wrist, sliding his hands toward the weapon. Your heart is beating like crazy, and suddenly your hand falls slack and you allow the pistol to slip out of your grip.

Now Jerome is grinning directly at you, his face inches from yours. It's infuriating and he knows it, you glare at him and lock his arm in a death grip. However, before getting the gun, Jerome leans in and slams his lips into yours.

You pull away in disgust, yanking the gun out of his grip, and dashing out of the store, your face red as a tomato. Jerome had been your worst enemy for what feels like forever, so that little encounter was a bit of a surprise.

Even more of a surprise was kissing him a year later while wearing a blood-stained wedding dress, bells ringing from behind as you two ran down the aisle and out into the cool night air, sirens blaring in the distance.

Author's Note: SORRY for not updating in like forever! I've been lacking inspiration for these lately, which is why this one isn't quite as strong as some I've written. Eep! Anyway, I'd like to thank you guys for all these views (ITS CRAZY)! Also, PLEASE leave suggestions for new imagines so I'll have something to write! :)

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