Breakfast at Oswald's

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Oswald x Reader

You're eyes slowly open and you're staring at the dark wooden ceiling. The covers on top of you are thick and fleecy, the cushion a heavenly cloud. You enjoy the peace a moment longer before rolling out of bed and stepping into the kitchen. Oswald is setting the table, which is filled with heaping plates of steaming pancakes and bacon.
"Good morning, my darling," he says, already looking at you with eyes full of love and admiration.
"Morning..." you say, staring at the meal in awe. "What's all this?"
"I thought we'd start this perfect day with a good breakfast," he muses, pulling out a chair for you to sit in.
You graciously accept the chair, already scooping food onto your plate, letting the aroma overwhelm our senses for a moment. Oswald sits across from you and watches you drizzle syrup onto your pancakes as he sips his coffee.
"Thanks for the food," you say happily, digging in.
"It's my pleasure," Oswald replies, beginning to cut into his pancakes as well.
"What's the plan for today?" you ask.
"Whatever you desire. I'm allowing myself a break now the the dreadful Theo Gallavan is dead."
"I wonder how that happened," you tease, smirking.
"He'll never be able to hurt anyone I love ever again." He puts a hand on yours, and you feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

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