My Psycho Prom Date

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Jerome Valeska x Reader

"What's up, gorgeous?" Jerome asked, sliding into the seat across from you in the asylum
rec-room. "Why so down?" he said, pouting upon seeing you lay across the bench like a drooping flower.
You sighed. "Nothing, it's just...the days in Arkham are beginning to add's just so boring."
He pounded a fist on the metal table playfully. "Amen to that."
You shook your head mournfully, staring absentmindedly into the dank room full of inmates. "And...I..." You paused, a bit hesitant to continue talking about what had been bothering you. "Well...I was locked up in here like a week before prom was supposed to was something I was sorta looking forward to going to with my boyfriend..."
Jerome made a face. "Your boyfriend?"
His suddenly possessive behavior was sorta funny so you dragged out the sob story even more.
"Yeah, I had bought a dress and everything. John said he was gonna rent a was supposed to me the biggest night of my life. Me and him."
Jerome rolled his eyes. "Please, darling, I'm worth twenty Johns. You want a prom dance? I'll give you a prom dance."
He walked over and offered a hand.
You smirked and took it, a bit surprised my how fast he pulled you to your feet.
Jerome held you close while the two of you slow danced to the nothing but the sound of the crazies' chatter behind you.
He wasn't wearing a tuxedo. What you had on could hardly be considered a dress. There were no flowers or limousines or anything like that. Yet you know you wouldn't have prom any other way.

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