Much More

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Bruce x Reader

The afternoon is just on the verge of fading away. That's the thought that springs into your mind as you watch the sun begin to drip onto the edges of sky. The grass beneath your legs and feet is soft and you are half tempted to lie in it's lush entirety, but a sound startles you and pushes you back to the moment truly at hand.

You are sitting behind your school, in the courtyard. Bruce Wayne is standing above you. "May I sit?"

You nod.

Silence expands between you as Bruce takes a seat beside not even a foot away. Both your eyes gaze into the slowly melting sky. Then he speaks. "Were you thinking about something?"

"I dunno...just watching."

"Are you waiting for your parents to come pick you up?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Alfred is on his way."


He turns to face you. " always look so deep in thought whenever I see you."

"So do you."

"How so?"

"C'mon, Wayne. Everyone talks about what happened to your parents. And whenever I look at you, really look, I see someone who can't take that off his mind."

"Well, I see a girl who's always got her head in the clouds one way or another," he replies defiantly.

"But the difference is, you don't know what I'm thinking about."

"I suppose so. It's fun to guess, though."

"Really? Is guessing all you do, boy billionaire?"

He shrugs and smiles. "I can do much more than that, if you want."

This makes your face heat up suddenly. "And what is that supposed to mean??"

Before he answers, your phone buzzes with a text from your parents. They're in the car out front.

You stand up to leave, but Bruce stands as well and grabs your arm.

"Y/N, I..."

His hesitation is kind of cute...before you can think, you lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek. "See you tomorrow, Bruce."

The last thing you notice before exiting is wide eyes and a "See you..."

Author's Note: This was requested a while ago by BrooklynAlpha BTW SOOOORRY FOR NOT WRITING IT EARLIER I FORGOT OMG
Anyway thanks for reading, see you guys soon!

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