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Jerome x Reader

You wake up, cold sweat streaming down your face. Memories from your past always linger in your dreams, twisted and haunting, so nightmares happen often for you, even now that you and the maniax have found sort of a home at Theo Galavan's place.

Jerome, who's to you right, sits up. "There a problem here, gorgeous?" he mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes. He gets pretty loopy when he's tired, a quality you always find adorable.

"No, just another weird dream..." you mumble.

"A nightmare again?" he asks you with concern, now meeting your gaze.

"Yeah, it's no big deal, though."

"Don't care to share?" he asked, slightly vexed. You could tell he didn't like how guarded you always are, but you couldn't help it. This was your new life, not the one that you wish to leave behind.

"No thanks."

He makes a face, but doesn't stay mad for long; he never does.

You fall back into your soft pillow and turn away from Jerome, closing your eyes.

He smiles and wraps his arms around you. You let him, and this time sleep without any dreams.

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