Jerome is Not Dead

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Jerome x Reader

Ever since that horrible evening, your life felt devoid of purpose. You walked the streets of Gotham with eyes glazed over, feet dragging behind you. It's just felt like there's something missing, a gap you can never fill. And it's no mystery what's gone - his smiling, blood-stained face haunts your dreams every. Single. Night.
You remember every detail of Jerome's death. He told you he had some sort of gig at a magic show, and, knowing he was part of the maniax, you didn't question it. Though you recall, sometime around ten or eleven, while mindlessly eating ice cream in your kitchen, hearing Jerome's name called on the TV in the other room, which you had left on from earlier.
So you stepped in there cautiously, watching the report from the doorway.

"The young, recently escaped criminal was killed tonight by the righteous Theo Galavan, who saved dozens of hostages."

The words didn't quite resonate with you until the camera panned in on a shot of a familiar smiling face, lying dead in the morgue. You're body felt limp, the spoon from your hand falling carelessly to the ground and splattering the carpet with chocolate ice cream. Waterfalls of tears began to pour from your eyes, uncontrollably cascading down pink cheeks. Jerome Valeska was dead.
Since then things weren't the same. It was as if you had lost the ability to cope, to swing back into reality or routine... until one day.

So it's February, months after Jerome's death. You're lounging on the couch without any thought, failing to get into a book you picked up from the library recently in the hopes it could cheer you up. Obviously it isn't working. Nothing're mind is wandering away from this time and place, to a time that felt better, happier.
And that's when you hear a quick beat - a knock on your door. It all seems rather peculiar since you rarely get visitors - you hardly know anyone anyway. You get up to answer it but think twice, this being the dangerous city it is. Instead you peer through the peep-hole, and spot a familiar face topped by fiery red hair and a large grin. Jerome Valeska is smiling up at you.
Without thinking, you yank the door open, your eyes hungering to see if the sight before you is real. "J—Jerome?" your mouth stutters.
"The one and only," his husk yet humorous voice replies. Your eyes flutter to meet the bouquet of roses he's pulled out from behind him and held to you, but nothing's really resonating; things feel too...well...crazy. Yet looking into his own sparkling blue eyes alerts you, causing you to throw your arms around him while the roses fall, petals breaking off and sailing to the ground.
"Miss me, darling?" he replies smugly.
"Miss you?" you stutter, suddenly bursting a dozen emotions. "Where were you?! How could you just leave me like that, what the hell, Jerome?"
For the first time during your entire relationship, he is silent, just for a moment. Then he finishes quietly, "I missed you."

Author's Note: Well hello again. Sorry about my previous screaming. i have now gathered my thoughts and here they are:
1. Can you believe Gotham is coming back on Monday?? OMGG
2. Did you see the trailer with Jerome in it for like .5 seconds??!?!!1! What does this mean??? (Plez come back m8)
3. I will try to update once more by monday but I have 2 projects to do this weekend and my grandparents are here so sorry if that doesn't get done...
4. YOU should totally go read my AWESOME FRIEND'S Gotham fic bc she's a good writer! It's called My Love Oswald by kendelle_cooper . So, yeah check it out!
~Emma OUT!~

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