A Birthday Surprise

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Jerome x Reader

"Jerome!" you squeal as he picks you up bridal-style and carries you...somewhere. You didn't know what to think when he asked you to wear a blindfold and step outside for a moment.
"Happy birthday, pumpkin," he replies playfully as he sets you down and pulls the blindfold off your head.
You open your eyes to find a crazy, hilarious sight. One that's not exactly the most...traditional birthday gift, but one that is so totally Jerome.
You are standing in front of the Gotham Gazette building. On the very face of it, the words "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!" are written in what looks worryingly like blood. Very happy, evil looking smiley faces bedazzle every corner. Flowers are popping out of multiple windows, and from inside you can hear music playing.
For a moment, you are left to stare at the terribly flattering sight, both slightly disturbed and extremely joyful. "Jerome...I don't know what to say."
"The don't say anything." He hugs you tightly and then kisses you sloppily on the cheek. You laugh, blushing as you notice the crowd now forming behind you two, staring in shock up at the tarnished building.
"Um, by the way, if we don't go soon, I have a feeling you'll be sent to Arkham," you laugh nervously.
He replies with a cackle. "We, sweetheart. We're partners in crime now."
Oh boy, you think, gulping, this should be interesting.

Author's Note: Hey, guys! What's up?? I hope you enjoyed this imagine. It's my birthday on Thursday so I was really feeling this surprise idea that I never actually got around to writing when it was Valentines Day! Lol. Anyway, vote if you liked it and please feel free to request more imagines! I need more some ideas. :)

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