First And Last

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Jonathan x Reader

It's evening, and you eagerly wait at Gotham's only park as the sky grew gloomier and gloomier. Each passing moment is another you shuffled on your tired feet, waiting for him. He eventually showed up, panting slightly as he jogged over to you.
"Sorry I took so long," he apologizes, reaching you at last.
"It's fine," you quickly reply as you both begin to walk. Then, with hesitation, "...was it your dad?"
He winces before responding. "Yeah, he...he's almost finished developing the cure and won't stop bugging me about it..."
You and Jonathan meet a few times each week at the park, a simple pleasure that usually involves talking to each other about your lives. He so was easy to communicate with, and would listen to your problems, however shy away from speaking about his own.
Each word pierces you harder, a jab in the heart, making you feel worse and worse for your friend. "I'm so sorry..."
"Don't be..."
"No, I mean it. He has no right to treat you that way, like a toy!"
Without reply, he moves his head to look up towards the sky, where the clouds are turning a strange shade of burnt orange in the dark of night.
You decide to go on, not willing to give up on quite yet: " know you can talk to me about this any time, right? I'm here, I can—"
Before you can finish, he presses his lips against yours abruptly.
It was the first kiss you had with him, and the last. You never saw him after that. When you went back to check his house, the only evidence anyone lived there was the remains of the experiment his dad began and a ratty old scarecrow, blowing in the wind.

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