Obsession, Much?

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Edward x Reader

     "Once Upon a Time?" you question suspiciously, walking in to find Edward crouching on his couch, wrapped in blankets.
     "Peter Pan. Rumplestiltskin. Neverland. Only. Season. 3."
     You cock an eyebrow at his quizzical answer and look between him and the TV, him and the TV. "So this is the reason you haven't been returning my calls?!"
     He is silent, mesmerized by the images plastered onto the screen.
     "Ed..." you give him a sideways stare, "you're not going to have another fit, are you?"
     He shakes his head just a bit too long, and begins mumbling to himself. "Peter Pan will have Henry's heart. No he's WON'T! Rumplestiltskin will defeat him. No, Henry will die. His family can't save him."
     "Really? You're letting this show split you apart again?"
     Ed looks up at you and blinks a few times, as if flashing back into reality for a moment.
     A sigh escapes your lips; you know you're going to be the one responsible for nursing Edward back to sanity.
     So you scour his kitchen to make some tea, wrap yourself up in blankets next to him on the couch, and prepare to finish Once Upon a Time with your best friend.

Author's Note: Yay, another update! Okay so this cute idea was requested by Swindlet — I hope this is what you had in mind.
Also, just saying, this was interesting to write because OUAT was my first fandom obsession...sadly the show has gone really downhill since then :(
Anyway, thanks, yall! Seeya next week!

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