Laughter in the Night

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Jerome x Reader

You had ducked into the alley just for a moment to gather your belongings, the bags in your hand from a recent purchase. But now, seeing a six-barrelled pistol being pointed in your face and hearing the words "Give me your money," you realize that was a big mistake.

    The bags in your hands drop onto the damp pavement and you're at a loss for words. Of course this had to happen to you; it was the cherry on top of your already crappy day.

    "Give me your money!" The man repeats, reestablishing his hold on the gun. You roll your eyes and slowly reach toward the wallet in your pocket when something in the corner of your vision distracts you.

    "Well, well, what do we have here?" a deep voice growled. He came forward like a shadow, hands slumped casually in his pockets, yet a menacing look in his dark eyes. Strangely enough, the look was directed right at the robber, not you.

    With a shaking hand, the thief pointed the pistol back and forth between the both of you, sparking a chuckle from the strange new player in this game. "Just walk away," the clearly inexperienced thief said to the chuckling man.

    "How about you put the gun down," he said, and finished, his voice suddenly dropping, "leave her alone."

    The robber looked taken aback, and for a moment, his focus left you entirely. You decided not to run, however, in fear you'd be noticed and shot on your way out. So you were sort of forced to watch the two men scumble.

    "Go...away," the crook warned.

    "How's about I make myself a little more clear," the stranger warned right back. In a new light you noticed his hair was flaming red. "Leave her alone, or I'll..." his pause distracted the robber, and in one swift movement, the stranger had pulled out a gun and shot him in the skull.

    " that." he finished, watching the man's body drop the the ground with a thud and begin to gush out hot, sticky blood.

    You were left to stare at the scene in warped horror, thoughts buzzing in your mind. Basically, you had just been saved by...another murderer? "Th-thanks..." you sputtered, unsure if that was the proper response.

    "No problem princess," he replied with ease, walking up to you and whispering these last words directly in your ear. "Just...don't let it happen again."

    All these horrific scenes kept replaying over and over in your mind, the whispers of the ginger stranger ringing in your ears. You picked up your bags, feeling his green eyes still focused on you and you simply ran. Leaving the alleyway, the dead crook, and the strange new ginger to laughing behind you, his howls roaring through the electric night air.

Author's Note: Did you guys SEE that FREAKIN JEROME FANCLUB! WHY WAS I NOT INVITED?? And what does this mean for Jerome?! Agh I want him to come back soo badly. Jeri was awesome tho...I wonder if she plays a part in The Joker becoming The Joker (better be Jerome smh)

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