Big Fan

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Cameron Monaghan x Reader

          Waiting in line feels like waiting for the bell to ring at school. I swear I've been here for hours, you think, watching the people in front of you shuffle forward slowly, pictures or notebooks in hand, waiting excitedly to meet and Cameron Monaghan.
          This was a day you'd been anticipating for months, ever since you'd heard the cast of Gotham was coming to a comic book convention - in your city!! Gotham has been your favorite show for quite a while now, in fact, it's been more than your favorite show. Never in your life have you loved a TV show so much. When it came to Gotham, you owned posters, read fan fiction, attempted fan art, followed the cast members, and blabbed about it to your friends practically every day. Gotham has become a lifestyle for you.
          And so had one specifically, terribly amazing character. Jerome Valeska. After his brief appearance on Gotham, you'd fallen in love with all things Joker. It was fictional love at first sight.

(sorry for interrupting but have to say I relate to this on a spiritual level)

          In conclusion, meeting Cameron Monaghan, who you had practically stalked over the internet for what felt like forever, was, in fact, a huge deal to you. No duh. HOWEVER, you'd never met a celebrity before, and you most certainly didn't want to blow you attempt to calm yourself down it cool.
          The thought turns over in your mind as you watched the line grow shorter and try to breath. Clutching a slightly crumpled poster in your hand, you take baby steps forward and try to catch a glimpse of the actor between the crowd. A sliver of red hair can be seen before some girl in a pink cosplay shuffles around. Darn.
          Yet after two more families exit the line, you are all of a sudden faced with that cheshire grin from Cameron himself. His messy ginger hair and easygoing demeanor makes you realize you've been holding your breath. After exhaling, you smile at him and hand over the poster.
"What's your name?" he asks politely as he scribbles his signature on your poster with a silver sharpie.
"Y-Y/N," you stutter, face flushed, in awe that the guy's even talking to you. He's being so nice...
"Cool. You a big Gotham fan?"
This is a question that throws you off your game. Suddenly, words come tumbling out of your mouth like there's no tomorrow.
"Ohmygod you have no idea. Gotham is my favorite show in the whole wide world and - oh - you played the part of young Joker so well - what a laugh!"
For a moment Cameron is left speechless. His dropped jaw then eases into a chuckle. "Wow, you really like it that much? I must say, Jerome was an interesting role to play."
"Gee, I can imagine! I can't even believe what the writers did to him - it's a crime! Tell me, will you ever come back to the show or will I just have to keep watching Shameless?" As you ramble cheerfully, you begin to realize that he's got his head down and is writing something at the table.
You stare nervously at him and then back at the people in line behind you who look pretty ticked off. "Oh, I'm holding up the - I'm so sorry, I must have caused you so much trouble!" you apologize, turning back to him.
But he doesn't look angry or annoyed. He's holding out a slip of paper to you and flashing a grin.
Upon taking the paper, your heart speeds up. It's a phone number...

Author's Note: Hey again! This was the first time I've ever written an imagine with an actor, so I hope you liked it. The idea was requested by magical-mash
If you want a part two, comment and I can make it happen! If you want to suggest different imagine ideas, I can make that happen too! :)

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