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Author's Note: I honestly recommend listening to rock music while reading this

Jerome X Reader

The night was a blur of black sky and city lights and cars passing in hurried, chaotic swerves. It began with a kidnapping...

You don't know why the strange boy broke into your apartment, or where he came from. All you know is suddenly he is breaking the door down, and the next second you are in the passenger seat of a car.

"Who are you?!"

He smiles like a devil, drives onto the highway and asks wickedly, "Ever played chicken?"

In reply to your speechlessness, he swerves into the opposite lane. A car begins rushing forward forward forward, only feet away from yours until-

The taxi veers away from your car at the last second, and you find afterward that you've been screaming the whole time. Everything is absolute pandemonium, heart beating wildly in your chest and adrenaline coursing though your body.

But the maniac beside you doesn't do anything but laugh and laugh and laugh his head off.

He slams his foot on the pedal and you nearly ram into several other vehicles, refusing to swerve every time.

Every single time a car flashes past, you let out horribly loud screams that scrape your throat like glass shards.

Next, he twists the car onto the sidewalk. Two civilians are thrown over the windshield sickening thumps. "Scuse me!"

You screech and look behind you. Their mangled bodies shrink into the distance as you move back onto the street at an alarming speed.

Turning forward again, you cover your eyes. The road ahead is a mess of convertibles, station wagons, taxis all scrambling to get away from your path.

And then...the trucks. The boy lets the wheel move without control and you burst forward into the way of two huge side-by-side semi-trucks.

"Should I let you take the wheel or...?" he teases with terrible pleasure.

You point forward with a gaping mouth.

"Yes? Is that a yes? I'd hurry..." The two large vehicles surge even closer.

"Hey, buttercup, want the wheel or not?"

"SHUT UP." you screech. "SHUUUUT UP!"

"Taking his hands off the wheel completely, he yanks you by the shirt and slams his mouth into yours. As the trucks weave around you, Jerome chuckles, "Chicken."

Author's Note: This was totally based off of a lame 80's movie. If you can guess which one, I'll love you forever.

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