I Dare You Pt. 2

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Jerome x Reader

          You spend the rest of the night with the insane knowledge that you had kissed a psychopath. A psychopathic criminal to make matters worse. The streets no longer feel safe, the cold breeze made your legs shiver and knock together. Seeing Jerome Valeska was simply a catalyst for your fear the rest of your time trick or treating. You shrunk away from your friends more and more until you couldn't take it any longer; you decided to walk back home.
          The streets were dark, and a your candy bag felt heavy in your hand. Rubbing your shivering arms, you stared at the frigid pavement on the way to your house. But when the whistling breeze quieted, and you felt a presence from behind, you finally decided to look up.
          You are staring at the masked face of the very person you embraced earlier. You're first instinct is to run, after all, you're pretty fast, but what if he had a gun on him? Instead you decide to play it cool.
          "Back for more?" you smirk.
          He approaches you and puts his hands on your arms, breathing close enough for you to feel the warmth of it. "Please," he teases, "who said I enjoyed it the first time?"
          "Well, seeing as you came running back here..."
          "Running back?" he replies with a laugh. "Princess, you're lucky you got to me first..."
          This back-and-forth game is strangely enjoyable, and, as far as you could tell, he's enjoying it as well. It's like all your fear and caution has simply fallen away.
          You're looking each other straight in the eyes now, two masked faces staring deep into each other, attempting to get in. And in that moment, all you can do is lean in...and kiss him again.

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