Riddle Me This

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Edward x Reader

It was your first day working at the GCPD and a man named James Gordon had was just about to show you around the precinct when you caught the eye of a curious looking man. He was tall and lanky, a bit awkward, with big glasses sitting beneath his dark hair. As you inspected him, someone else alerted Detective Gordon that he needed to be somewhere. Gordon nodded, grunting, before suggesting, "Uh, Ed, why don't you show Y/N around?"

    The man, Ed, turned to you, grinning like a child, and you couldn't help but smile back. "Of course," he replied before gesturing forward. You nodded, not quite sure what to make of him, but happy to be out of the custody of the dull Detective Gordon.

    You followed him through desks and passed what he explained was the commissioner's office into a small, dank space with a table and two chairs.

    "This is the interrogation area," he specified. "You probably won't be working in this area for quite some time."

    As he talked, you sort of zoned out, focusing only on only his facial features and the way his expressions changed when he spoke.

    He must have caught you staring, for he turned to face you and changed the subject. "Oh forgive me for not telling you my name...I'm Edward. Nygma."

    You shook his outstretched hand and responded, "I'm Y/N  Y/L/N."

    His creamy brown eyes met yours and immediately lit up. For a moment your hand stayed locked onto his as you two gazed at each other.

    Then he quickly blurted out something. "What is invisible and makes people suffer from symptoms like sweating and nausea, yet people can't survive without it?"

    Though  surprising, this was an easy one for you, since you've always been rather good at riddles. "Love," you answered softly, your face heating up as soon as you said it.

    "Love." he agreed.

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