Sick Day

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Jerome x Reader

"Y/N, what's up?" Jerome beams as he picked up the phone.
"Jerome, I can't come to the gun range with you today, I'm sick." you cough on the other end.
His tone drops. "Aww, really?"
"Really," you sigh, "sorry."
"Hold on," he replies, and you hear sounds of shuffling and muffled voices on his line. "Y/N, I have to go."
The phone clicks and you're left wondering what the heck happened, why he left so suddenly. You slam the phone down in hurt.

Twenty minutes later there's a knock on the door, and it creaks open to reveal Jerome himself. You're craning your neck to see from the couch, but Jerome bustles into your living room, hands filled with goodies of all sorts. Staring in awe, you question, "Is that—wha—"
He shushes you and tosses you a fuzzy blanket, plush pillow, and your favorite—Starbucks.
"Sick day?" he replies, pulling out a deck of cards and flopping down onto the couch next to you.
"Sick day," you reply, filled with the warm, happy feeling of being loved.
The rest of the day is spent playing cards and joking around under the soft blankets. You could never thank Jerome enough...even though all the merchandise he got for you was stolen from the nearest Walmart.

Author's Note: Eep! Sorry I was gone for sooo long...I was on vacation in the mountains, and I barely had cell service, let alone wifi. Anyway, I'm an episode behind on Gotham but I'll try to watch it and get this more updated! Wish me luck...and #prayforjerome2k16 😂😂

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