Pure Chaos

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Jerome x Reader

Arkham. The word sends warm shivers down your spine. It felt like magic. Jerome Valeska's voice is suddenly ringing in the back of your mind, a voice you hadn't heard since your stay in that deliciously delirious looney bin.

"Darlin, we can't sit around in here all day. There's gotta be somethin we can do to entertain ourselves, some sort of fun...where's the chaos to cause?"

You shush him by grabbing his face and mashing his lips against yours. Then, his soft cheeks still in your hand, you eye the asylum's rec room patiently. "Wait."

He grins in that cheshire way that Jerome tends to do when you kiss him...or when he's killed someone. Then his eyes follow yours around the dank space. Every crazy in the room was a perfect potential to you and Jerome. All there was left to do was, well, cause some chaos.

It 's like this every day in Arkham.

"Could we stage a murder? Trick the guards?" you speculate, smirking and throwing your head back at the very thought.

"C'mon, where's the fun in that? We need somethin real, tangible, and huge. Somethin that'll put demented smiles on even the staff's faces."

"Not sure if that's possible in this prison cell," you grumble.

"What? That's not the spirit we need for a heist like this! What we need is some encouragement! Give me a C!!!"


"Gimme a C!!!"


"Now an H!"


"Bring in the A!!"




"And, lastly, S!"

"S. God, Jerome, will you stop now?"

"And what does THAT spell?!"

You roll your eyes so hard, you swear they almost flipped around in your head. "Chaos."

He slides up from his seat, the striped Arkham uniform ruffling around him. Then, without warning, he slams his lips into yours. "There," he says, patting your head. "There's the Y/N I know. Still prescription crazy."

"Wait—what are we gonna...?" You watch him stroll off into the crowd of inmates and follow without further question.

That seemed to be the way it always was with him...until season two, episode three at least.

Author's Note: Hey ya'll! Did you like the weird fourth-wall-breaking at the end of that one? Lol. Anyway, I'm working on a request rn so I'll prob have that up by next week. Stay tuned! :-)

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