Less Eating, More Kissing

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Greenwood x Reader

"...and...who's the boss? I'm the boss..." The click of another empty gun cartridge makes you roll your eyes. From across the room, you throw down your magazine and make your way over to the two bickering boys.

Picking up a heavy duty combat knife, you point it at Jerome's neck and spit, "Quit being such a dope. Not everything has to be about you."

He smiles madly, but takes his samurai sword and wanders off. Then you hear a voice behind you.

"Didn't need your help, sweet cheeks, but thanks anyway," Greenwood asserts aggressively, eyeing you up and down.

"Anything to get that dumbbell Valeska to shut up," you reply narrowing your eyes and gripping your dagger a bit harder.

He notices this and asks, "You good with a blade?"

Smirking, you flip it up into your other hand and move it dangerously close to his jugular. "Depends on your standards."

"I'd say my standards are pretty high considering..."

"What? Considering the twelve women you've torn apart? That's cute."

"Yeah? And what have you done, Y/N?"



"Enough to know that you need to shut up and kiss me."

"Bon appetit."

Author's Note: Yeah sorry if this one's bad. And sorry for sticking Jerome in there I guess I just couldn't resist ¯\_()_/¯
REQUESTED BY: AddictedToEvil

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