What We Had

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Jerome x Reader

His skin was pale and paper thin, from months spent locked up in the Asylum, yet still spattered gently, ever so faintly, with freckles.

His boyish face always paved the way for a boyish grin. The smile was there so often, that when it wasn't, you had the strange urge to paint it on so Jerome would always look like himself.

And his nose, the thin nose that gave way to thin pink lips. Thin lips that were still somehow plump and soft.

On his body he wore the Arkham uniform, an unflattering suit, though one you couldn't imagine him without. It hung loosely over his bony frame, the striped shirt carelessly unbuttoned.

Your favorite was his hair. Rusty orange, it was the part of him that stood out the most, aside from that bone-chilling beam he gave everyone and everything. One piece of ginger hair was always falling into his face, and though you knew for certain it irked him, you teased him about it anyway.

Teasing a killer wasn't a big deal when you were constantly on the verge of death and unknown. Life sometimes felt so fragile, that you considered leaving it behind. That's the great thing about the so-called "madness" the doctor's had prescribed you: it meant you just simply no longer cared.

You knew for certain that even Jerome wouldn't care if you died or ran away. To him, everything was a play toy. He flirted with you and other girls. He killed anyone who got in his way. Or anyone who looked fun to murder. In other words, he was no different from you, aside from the fiery rambunctiousness his heart seems to carry.

"Whatcha gazin at, kitten? Am I that desirable?"

You realize that you've been staring at him, at Jerome. Staring off into space for long periods of time was another thing Doctors noticed about you.

"Mmm," you mumbled lazily, trying to rub your eye but then remembering that you were a bit tied up at the moment. To a dolly.

Author's Note: Hey ya'll! How do ya like the frequent updates? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <-- That was prob unnecessary. OKAY, back to business—the coming updates (in no specific order) will include:
•Jerome (boi you know it)
•Penguin? Possibly??
•A part two to this if anyone wants it :)

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