Worth It

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Bruce x Reader

"Who's the new girl?" You hear the menacing voice from behind, and clench your teeth. You had noticed this group of kids staring at you upon first entering the school, and it seems that a few hours passed have not dulled their playfully sinister interest.

"What do you want?" you ask, giving an floppy attempt to stand up for yourself.

"Oh nothing...although those books look sort of interesting," the guy up front sneers, ripping them out of your hand and false-examining the covers. "You weren't actually planning on reading them, were you?"

Breath growing heavy, you remain silent and do nothing as he thrusts the heavy textbooks back at you, causing a wince of pain. "Just leave me alone..."

The goons all snicker as they watch your suffering. "Please, we don't need another nerd in this good-for-nothing school. Why don't we eliminate the problem?" Upon the last word, he raises his fist in anticipation of a punch.

But a voice is speaks up behind him. "When you go to a private academy, there tends to be smart students. Which begs the question, how did you get in here?"

He turns around and makes a disgusted face at the boy behind him. "What do you think you're doing, Wayne?"

Wayne it was. The Bruce Wayne. He was wearing a dark jacket which contrasted greatly with his pale skin. The vibe you were getting was...grim.

"Yeah, who does he think he is? So he watched his parents die, now he thinks he's tough!" a girl from the group shouts.

"I'm not a coward who would gang up on someone who's not looking for a fight."

They laugh nervously and the attacker narrows his eyes. "Leave it alone, kid."

Bruce pauses a moment, and you almost think he's about to leave you here, but then he takes a swing, hitting the bully square in the nose. "Leave her alone."

Backing away, the gang disperses bitterly, and even he  leaves, the one who almost hit you. He stalks off yelling, "I'll get you for this, Wayne!"

Bruce turns to you after a moment, asking if you are okay and offering a hand.

You look up, only just realizing you had slid down to the floor with your books. You take his hand. "Yeah, uh...thanks."

His demeanor immediately changes to light and happy. That smile is more goofy than you would have imagined. "You're very welcome. Those bullies have no right to make fun of new students."

"Weren't you worried about getting hurt? Would I have been worth it, if he actually...fought back?"

"Of course."

Author's Note: This prompt was requested by real-HG126 . I'm going to ask that you guys postpone requests you might have because I'm going to start posting holiday themed chapters for the next few weeks! (if you have a holiday request, I may consider...)

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