Warmth Among the Cold

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Edward x Reader

A week ago Edward Nygma said he'd be taking you ice skating on Christmas Eve. You didn't believe him.

Only it's kind of hard not to believe now, now that you are sitting next to the city's ice rink, beneath a cool sky and towering Christmas tree.

"Ed..." you say, looking up at him. He is wearing a dark green coat and scarf, as well as skates. "I can't do this."

Offering you a hand and a warm smile, he reassures you. "Of course you can. Follow my lead."

Hesitantly, you lay your gloved hand on his own and allow him to pull you up.

It's hard at first, just moving on the ice, but Ed is holding you, guiding you. He even catches you a couple times. However, you get the hang of it and are able to glide alongside him without help.

It feels magical. Ice skating is such a thrill, and you are even more cheery since your crush is beside you. Perhaps this would be the first time you kiss...?

You shake the thought off. Edward didn't invite you here on a date. He probably just wanted something to do for the holiday. Probably...

A while later, you are prodded from your thoughts as he skates around in loop. You both pause before the enormous festive tree for a short break.

"What bites with no teeth?" Edward says after a moment.

"Hold on..." You are still breathing heavily. Each puff of air meets the atmosphere with a warm cloud... "...frost." you finish with a chuckle.

"Y/N, Y/N, you never fail to guess my riddles."

"You never fail to make me smile."

His eyes fall to the floor and he blushes. "Thanks for coming with me today."

"I...I couldn't imagine a better way to spend the holiday."

Edward wraps his hands around your waist and you brush his cold cheeks. The kiss is warmer than any you've known.

Author's Note: Ahhh I feel so lovely and festive right now. December is a great time of year. ❤️❤️
Also I have a great Jerome imagine planned next, that involves snow and murder. I'm hype

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