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Edward x Reader

He was a strange one, a peculiar thing, a funny man with a funny mind. You knew that from the moment you met him.

It was a bright sunny day (for once) and you decided to grab some ice cream from your favorite shop and head over to Gotham's park.

Taking a set on an empty bench by a grove of trees, you began licking the vanilla goodness from it's waffle cone. Before you knew it the treat was gone, and your belly groaned with devilish satisfaction. You allowed a long puff of breath and a laid back position, warm with joy.

But that's when a guy suddenly slides in on the other end of the bench, causing your stomach to fill with butterflies and surprise.

The man looks at you with a cheerful grin, pushing up his glasses. His chocolate eyes do a quick survey of your body, full stomach, hands clutching napkin and all. You can tell he's the kind of person who would noticed every little detail, someone who looks thoroughly and thoughtfully.

"Uh, hello? Who exactly...?" you stutter.

"A famous romance movie vampire - starts with an E. And a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand."

"What on earth...?

"Edward. Nygma," he answers matter-o-factly, just as you begin to understand what he's getting at. A riddle man...

"Well I'm Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you!" His enthusiasm seems to be contagious...you break into a smile.

"What a exquisite name!"

"Not so bad yourself, Nygma. You sound like some kind of nerdy comic villain, but still."

He chuckles, and following that is a stretch of peculiar silence.

Then: "My favorite flavor is vanilla too."

Face heating up, you reply, "But how did you know...?"

Though earlier it seemed impossible, Edward's smile fills his cheeks even more. He makes a sort of waving gesture with his hands and replies... "Magic..."

You both giggle like madmen as the sun just begins to dip into the horizon of Gotham city.

P.S. WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THE NEW EPISODE BC I LOVED IT AND NYGMOBBLEPOT WAS LIKE SO A+++++ (sorry got a bit too excited but I can't believe Gotham's back!)

P.P.S. If you didn't read my earlier chapter, read it you nerd

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