A Cat's Game

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Selina x Reader

"Cat!" you cry, desperately waiting for her to stop running, running, running. It seems that's all she ever does.

"Please, Cat, stop!" You try to keep up as she tears across rooftops, skipping atop staircases and connected buildings.

"Cat, stop! You can't just run away from your problems, from this, just like you always do! SELINA!" The last word you spit comes out as more of a scream while you watch the girl scale the huge gap between two buildings in one leap. You stop cold at the edge of the first building, as the space between that and the next one seems to expand.

Those wandering eyes of yours look down into an alleyway of wet pavement. And to the far right, a quiet street beneath a bridge. You shudder at the thought of falling into a place so cold and brittle, a place where your body probably wouldn't even be found.

Cat gazes at you from the other side, her conflicted face almost drawn into a smirk— almost, though the pain of running away is much stronger.

You watch her from your end, across a gap of space and danger and emotions. And just as the street girl begins to turn away, a sudden jolt of determination surges through you like an electric shock.

With a mighty cry of willpower, you hurl your body across the divide. Your feet land with a harsh thud on the other side, and unable to stop for a moment, you run straight into the arms Selina.

Her tiny hands hold your wrists awkwardly before you both pull away with red apple cheeks.

"Selina," you huff, rightfully so.

"Are you crazy?" she fires back.

"No...no, I'm not crazy, I—" Your voice breaks, as it dawns on you what just happened. You jumped a building. Risking death. And for what?

In one swift movement, Selina has taken your face in her hand and pressed her lips into your cheek.

"You're in love?" she chuckles playfully. "Yeah, I think I am too."

Author's Note: THIS ONE IS SO CUTE (sorry lol, am I allowed to say that about my own fic? I should think so). Aaanywho, I'm as straight as it gets but hopefully some of my readers are attracted to girls, or else this would have been all for not. Comment if want more with Selina in the future, or maybe stabby babs?

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