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Harvey Dent x Reader

"Are you alright, Miss?"

You hear the voice but nothing really registers. You vision is blurry, head spinning, and there's this throbbing pain on your face that won't go away. "Who...what's going on?" you ask, blinking. As you regain use of your eyes, you noticed a concerned looking man in front of you. He's the one rubbing something cold against your face.

"I found you in an alley last night, battered and knocked out."

"Oh...my boss...

Multiple emotions flicker across his face. "Your boss is did this?"

"Yeah, he...I knew something..."

"I  want to help you. Just tell me his name."

"His name...his name is..."

Dick Lovecraft. As he is escorted into the office an hour or so later, a shiver crawls down your spine. It seems so surreal that this monster was standing beside the man who saved you...you wonder how Mr. Dent could fix this.

"Mr. Lovecraft, are you at all associated with the lovely woman sitting next to me?" Harvey asks.

You make eye contact with your boss, but his expression is stone cold, showing to emotion but annoyance for Harvey. 

"Yes, she is my employee," he drones, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Have you ever encountered her outside of a workplace environment?"

"No, Dent. What are you trying to accuse me of this time?"

"At exactly 11:17 last night I found her beaten and unconscious on the side of the road. She told me that you were the one who did it. It sounds like there was something you didn't want her to know about your business..."

"It's not my fault this girl is getting herself into trouble. There's nothing you can prove about this little...situation."

All at once, Harvey loses it. He lunges at him, grabbing him by the collar and holding his fist up, hissing, "Touch her again, and I'll rip. You. Open."

And watching the whole scene play out, Lovecraft panting and Harvey's eyes wild with a kind of two-faced-insanity, you feel yourself smile.

Author's Note: Yooooo people! I hope you enjoyed this (sorry about the lame title), since I went through a ton of crap to get it here. Basically, I accidentally clicked something on my computer and lost the whole first draft... -___-
Also this request is by riddlvr so I hope it's up to par. I don't really know his character too well and YouTube wasn't helpful in giving me scenes w/ him. 😂
So I'll seeya soon (possibly tomorrow?)

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