Technical Texter

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Bruce x Reader

Bruce: Hello Y/N. How's it going?

Y/N: good
Y/N: you?

Bruce: I am well.

Y/N: alrighty mr fancy pants

Bruce: What makes me "fancy pants?"

Y/N: you text funny

Bruce: I text with correct grammar and spelling, if that is what you mean.


Bruce: Excuse me?

Y/N: i said lol

Bruce: ...

Y/N: call me ://

You pick up the phone and to an awkward billionaire wayne's "hello."

"Listen, B. The times have changed since 1800's Britain. You gotta learn how to text," you suggest with a touch of sass.

"I have told you, there is nothing wrong with my texting," he replies with a huff.

"You don't even know what LOL means."

"What does it mean?"

"Wow, dude, and I thought YOU were the smart one. Solving murders and giving me homework answers and all that. Time for a hardcore lesson in the modern art of technology. I'll be over in 20."

"Wait, wha--------"

*call ends*

Stepping up to the Wayne manor, you ring the doorbell without hesitance. Alfred answers and escorts you inside, where Bruce is sitting in a commons area. He has a notebook and pencil ready at a table before him. You stifle a giggle.


"Yes please."

"I an ready to begin my lesson."

"I can see that."

"So where do we begin?"

"Let's start with the basics. Have you figured out LOL yet?"

"According to Google, it stands for laughing out loud."

Nod. "Nice. Sooo moving onnnn... can you guess what gtg is?"


"Why not?"

", perhaps not...I don't know."

"It's gecko's teammate generosity."

"Um, what?"

"Nah, I'm just kidding."

"Don't test me, Y/N. I'm aware you like to joke around."

"Okay, okay, so it stands for got-to-go. Kinda like goodbye."

He jots down a note or two. "I see."

"Now try to guess BRB."

"Is right back?"

"Cool, you got it!"

Bruce smiles a bit, just a bit, as though he is holding it back but failing.

"Next up: tgif. You have to have heard of that one."

"In fact I have. It stands for terrible giraffes inherit fingernails."

This gets you for a moment. You pause and blink once, then burst into laughter.

He giggles along with you.

"That was pretty funny, B."

"I guess it was. Lol."

Author's Note: Requested by EveryMoonHasItsStars —it turned out to be random and only dialogue but okay? I have my heart set on writing a Jerome-halloween-related-imagine next so Babs, Tabs, and other requests may have to wait. Who knows, maybe I'll even publish another one this weekend. No promises tho. Love you guys, seeya next time ❤️❤️

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