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I wake up the next morning from laughter coming from down the beach. I groan and roll over onto my stomach, covering my head with my pillow. I am so tired. It took me forever to fall asleep after getting back from my walk and running into Harry like that. What are the odds of running into someone who was running away from their friends for almost the same reason as you? I know I should have been freaked out, but like Harry said, if he was a serial killer, I'd have been dead, he wouldn't have sat with me and talked about my failed relationship with Sean.

Someone laughs again, closer this time, and I realize it's Violet. I sluggishly sit up, stretching my arms above my head, before pulling my long brown hair up into a messy bun. I check my clothes and make sure nothing is exposed before unzipping my tent and walking out. The sun was awfully bright, causing me to squint a little.

"Abby! Good you're up! You need to get ready, we just met some people down at the other campsite," Violet hooks her thumb behind her, pointing to the campsite Harry and his friends are at, "and they are super chill, so we are going to tie our boats together out in the middle of the lake and just all hang out together. What are the odds that we would be so close to people our age! And they're from England! You should hear their accent!" She was walking next to josh who rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm.

Oh I already have. I could tell her about Harry, but decide against it. It was just one night and Harry was drinking, for all know, he could have been a lot more drunk than he let on, and he might not even remember running into me last night.

"Um ok, just let me get changed and brush my teeth." She nods quickly and pulls Josh towards the others.

For some reason I get awfully nervous. I don't know why, I don't have any reason to be nervous. I usually don't get nervous when meeting new people. I've always been pretty social, making new friends easily. Something that made me good at journalism.

Was I nervous at seeing Harry again? And by seeing him, I mean actually seeing him. Would seeing him in the day light make the excitement of meeting him last night die out? Meeting him in the dark and talking with him like that made it exciting, getting to know someone without being able to actually see them, being able to picture them however you want. And based on how hot Harrys voice sounded and the little details I could see of him, I pictured him being extremely attractive.

I think that's it though. Just the thought of seeing Harry has my stomach fluttering. Would I be able to recognize him? Of course I would, who am I kidding. I'd be able to recognize the tattoos I was able to see last night, and maybe his messy hair. That was about it. I'd for sure be able to recognize his voice though. Would he be able to recognize me? Probably not, there wasn't anything special about me.

I quickly changed into my bikini and decide that I was just going to jump on the lake real quick and wake up. I'll also be able to manage my hair better if it was wet. There was no use putting to much effort into trying to look good, there's only so much you could do when you couldn't shower and didn't have any mirrors. The only bathroom we had was a small outhouse that was up a hill behind our campsite. Another reason why I'm glad I wasn't drinking. I cant imagine trying to hike a huge hill while drunk.

After jumping into the lake, I dry off as much as I could before throwing on my white cover up, my black bikini showing through. I brush my now tangled hair out and decide to just do a simple side braid, knowing the wind would mess it up anyways. I brush my teeth real quick, take a quick peak in my handheld mirror, deciding I don't look horrible, and grab my sunglasses and phone with my earbuds. I pick up my towel and slide on my flip flops before making my way over to the boat. I notice a boat close by, just floating there in the water. Waiting. There was six people on the boat, couldn't really make out anyone. Maybe I need glasses. Anyways, I got a weird feeling I was being watched. Maybe that was Harry's friends. Maybe Harry was the one watching me. Weird.

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