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Perfect- One Direction

The next couple days go by rather quickly. I spent all of Thursday arranging all the furniture and setting up everything in my new apartment. Friday I spent cleaning out the apartment I was staying at when I first moved here, not that it was a mess, I just didn't want it to leave it looking messy, especially when my work was paying for it.  Now I was grocery shopping and grabbing some more cleaning supplies.  I should invest in a car soon, I'm not really looking forward to stuffing all these bags into a taxi. I think once I get settled in at work and I got a better idea what my budget is going to be, then I'll go look for a car.

I was standing in line, waiting to check out. You would think that on a Friday night it wouldn't be quite as busy but the lines were long and the cashiers seem to be on super slow speed. I pull out my phone and go through Twitter and Facebook and check my Instagram. Nothing new. I slowly make my way down the line, still about a couple people ahead of me. My phone buzzes in my hand and I smile down at the screen.

From Evan- hey! What are you up to?

To Evan- just been standing in line at the grocery store for what feels like forever! What are you up to?

From Evan- sounds like fun! I was going to see if you wanted to hang out? We could just stay in and order take out and watch a movie?

I smile down at my phone. It would be nice to see him, I haven't seen him since Wednesday.

To Evan- sounds perfect! By the way things are progressing here at the store, I may be like another hour haha Did you want to hang out at my new place?

From Evan- sounds good. I can actually pick you up at the grocery store if you want, that way you don't have to get a taxi

This guys was too good.

To Evan- you would be a life saver!

I text him what store I was at and he said he would meet me out front. I stood in line for what seemed like forever but really it was only twenty minutes. After loading up the last bag in my cart I walk out the sliding doors, into the cool night air. I see Evans car parked on the side of the building and soon he steps out and waves at me.  I couldn't help but smile when I see him. He has such a sweet, contagious smile. We have been texting a lot since Wednesday and he's called me during his breaks at work. It was nice to feel that excitement at the beginning of a relationship, to feel those good, nervous feelings. It was nice getting to know someone.

"Hey!" I say, still smiling.  Evan opens his trunk before walking over to me and placing a small kiss on my lips, running his thumb over my cheek as he did. 

"Hey," he smiles, pulling back from the kiss.  He helps me place my shopping bags in his trunk and even takes care of the shopping cart for me.  I climb into the passenger seat as Evan takes his spot behind the wheel. We make small talk on the way to my apartment, deciding on Chinese for dinner. 

Evan helps me carry all my groceries up and orders the food while I put my groceries away. It felt nice to be somewhat settled in to my new place. There were still photos I wanted to hang up and I still needed to get my room and closet organized, but I was doing pretty good.  It felt weird living on my own. I've lived with Violet and Abby since the summer after our sophomore year, so I've always had them around.

"What has you so deep in thought?" Evan chuckles, leaning up against the counter, his hands holding the edge of the counter, making the muscles in his arms stand out. Focus Abby.

"I was just thinking about my best friends, Violet and Megan. How it was weird it's been not having them here. We used to all share an apartment back home," I tell him, reaching up to put the cereal away.

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