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So I found the picture above and in don't know, it messes me up guys. It's like he looks a little angry but then again it looks like he may be smirking a little and saying 'I want you' gah! I don't know hahaha Harry seriously messes me up inside. *sigh*

Ever After- Marianas Trench


Harry's POV

It's Friday night. Two days since I saw Abby. Two fucking days since I started questioning everything.  My feelings for Michelle, my feelings for Abby, if I was actually insane and just imagining this whole thing.  I've been avoiding the guys since seeing Abby, to emotionally drained to even care about hanging out.  But now I feel like I should, they have started calling incessantly, making sure I was ok. So here I was, knocking on Liam's door.

"Harry! You made it!" Liam says, a little to enthusiastically, telling me he's had a few drinks already. He slaps my shoulder as I walk by, heading into his living room. The rest of the guys were there, Louis and Niall, along with Danielle and Eleanor. They were all spread out around Liam's living room, I take a seat on the couch.

"Where have you been hiding out mate? We though you skipped town," Louis laughs, pouring shots in the shot glasses that he had lined up on the coffee table. 

"Just around. Haven't been in the mood for anything really," I tell them. It's true. I went to work and I went to A&H when I needed to and then went straight home. I was driving Michelle crazy by not talking with her.  She knew something was going on and kept trying to get me to talk about it. How was I suppose to tell her that the girl of my dreams that I lost months ago just all of a sudden showed up? That she wasn't my dream girl. I saw how possessive she was getting when she met Abby, she does with any girl I'm introduced to.  It was quite annoying really.  Anyways, I couldn't tell her that, she would freak out for sure. She already thought I was cheating on her. I wasn't. It was just hard to put your heart into a relationship if it already belonged to someone else, even if you thought you'd never see that someone again.

"What's been going on?" Niall asks, taking a shot, handing one to me. I knock back the shot, grimacing as the alcohol burned as it ran down my throat.  I'm sure they will find out sooner or later.

"Abby's here."

Silence. I'm met with silence. I look around at everyone and they are avoiding eye contact with me. Looking every where but at me. What the hell? Why are they acting so weird? Then it dawned on me.

"You guys knew didn't you?!" I growl, glaring at everyone, watching their facial expressions change to guilt.

"You guys fucking knew and you didn't tell me?!" I yell, standing up real quick, throwing my hands up in the air.  I'm so pissed off.  How could they not tell me? They knew how heartbroken I have been these last several months.  How long I have pined over Abby. How it took a lot to even consider dating someone else.  I was a mess. I'm still messed up. Even more so now that Abby has shown up.

"Don't get mad Harry, we were just trying to protect you," Liam says, holding his arms up defensively. 

"Protect me?! You wanted to protect me?! If you did then you would have told me she was here! Instead I was blindsided and I froze! I acted like a complete moron. I was so shocked, I acted like I didn't even know her, that when my mom introduced us it I acted like it was the first time meeting her. Who does that? And who doesn't tell their friend that the girl he's been a mess over is here, in London? I could have tried meeting her up with her privately, instead of being surprised like that. So not cool," I throw my arms up in exasperation before running my hands over my face, needing to calm down.  I just couldn't believe they would do this to me. My whole world has been turned upside down. I'm so confused.

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